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给予形成性的和终结性的考试。Gives both formative and summative tests.

这就是基本的信息。So, you see, this is formative information.

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第一部分,国学启蒙教育的概念。Part one, concept of formative education of national literature.

电子学档的形成性评价手段使过程写作法成为可能。E-portfolio's formative assessment makes process writing possible.

这样的话这本书的权威性就收到了质疑。Now it's odd that this text does have the same formative function.

金汇兑本位制的整个机制正在成型阶段。The whole machinery of gold exchange standard is in the formative stage.

因此,在这样的发展形成阶段,需要一个有凝聚力的人物来领导这个国家。So the nation neededa unifying figure to guide it in its formative years.

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在性格形成的重要时期,罗宾学习了法律、医学、表演等。Lupin's formative years. He studies law, medicine, acting, jiujitsu , etc.

对教师的评价已经由以前的终结性评价向形成性评价转变。Teacher Evalution has change from summative evalution to formative evalution.

是什么关系形成性评价和终结性评价?What is the relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment?

除了造型的材质,洗手盆变化的另一点就是色彩。Pledge besides formative material, it is colour another bit when lavabo changes.

柴可夫斯基,在他那形成性格的岁月里,对音乐从未表现出一丝一毫的兴趣。Tschaikowsky never showed a shit of interest in music during his formative years.

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它是一种养成教育,需要建立一套科学化、时代化、序列化的内容体系。It is a kind of formative education with a scientific, timely and sequential system.

第三部分,国学启蒙教育理性思考。Part three, thought on the theory of the formative education of national literature.

在这个阶段,主要的研究方法是结构化的,并且帮助你降低执行的风险。Research in this phase is mainly formative and helps you reduce the risk of execution.

在这段逐渐成形的时期,毕业生不再呆在家里或学校。During this formative period, graduates are no longer in the home or at the university.

钢板曲梁直接暴露,展示出刚柔造型的美。Bridge of armor plate music is exposed directly, reveal a firm soft formative beautiful.

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初步论证了合胶束的形成过程及其组成。Preliminary demonstration shows the formative process of mixed micelle and its composition.

因为从这时起,你就要历经人生最启蒙的教育和人生事业的发奋阶段。Because you will start to experience diligent phrase of formative education and life career.

在成立初期,茨温利了深刻的影响,精神的自由人文主义。During his formative years, Zwingli was deeply influenced by the spirit of liberal humanism.