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她忍不住扑哧一笑。She could not conceal a snort of laughter.

哇,好痛啊!费迪南“嗖”的一下跳了起来µ。Wow! Did it hurt! Ferdinand jumped up with a snort.

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当他用肘部支撑着翻过身来时,他听到一阵清晰的鼻息声。As he rolled over on his elbow, he heard a loud snort.

鲍勃说,这话让她哼了一声,香烟掉落到脚边。Bob says, which makes her snort and drop the cigarette between her feet.

“他们改变主意了。”泰斯拉不以为然地喷着鼻息宣布。"They've changed their minds, " Tesla announced with a snort of disapproval.

他的扑哧一笑变成了一阵痛苦的咳嗽。“是的,就是这个。你真有天分。”His snort of laughter turned into a painful cough. "Yeah, that's it. You have talent. ""

之后她和朋友们前往聚会,他们在那里吸桌上的可卡因。Later she heads to a house party with her friends where they snort cocaine off tabletops.

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有些人甚至提议我们应该鼻吸催产素以使我们变得更加富有同情心和爱心。Some people have even suggested we should snort oxytocin to become more compassionate and caring.

比尔只用一吸,就能把一小堆可卡因尽数吸进去,希拉里还要吸上两三下。Bill could do the whole little white pile with one snort. Hillary took two or three sniffs to get all of hers.

河鼠轻蔑地哼了一声,转身要走,不想蹴到一只帽盒,摔倒了,嘴里不干不净地骂了几句。The Rat, with a snort of contempt, swung round to go, tripped over a hat-box, and fell, with undignified remarks.

我记得我曾经想去狠狠地鼻嗤它,但是我当时太冷了,最后只能发出一声软弱无力的呼噜声。I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.

介绍了高炉用新型冷风放风阀的结构特点和工作原理。Herein introduce the structural feature and operating principle of new-style cold blast snort valve of blast furnace.

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中科院高能物理研究所所长陈和生院士同样对反对声嗤之以鼻。Academia Sinica high energy Institute of physics Manager Chen He lives academician to snort contemptuously similarly to the objection.

马匹紧闭着嘴通过鼻子呼气,但不会发出像喷鼻息那样的振动或扑动样的噪音。The horse exhales through his nose with his mouth shut. The blow does not create the vibrating or fluttering noise that the snort does.

我国的体育保险业是一种待开发的潜力巨大的新兴产业和朝阳产业,是体育事业快速发展的重要保障因素。Sport insurance in our country is a newly arisen industry with large potential that need to develop . It is one of the important factors to develop the snort business Quickly.