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她好管闲事。She is nosey.

她非常好管闲事。She is very nosey.

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你真是个好管闲事的人。You're such a nosey person.

你为什么表现得那么好管闲事呢?Why are you acting so nosey?

希望她不要那么好管闲事。I wish she wouldn't be so nosey.

希望你不认为我好管闲事。I hope you don't think I'm nosey.

我不喜欢人们那么好管闲事。I don't like people who are nosey.

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我发觉她总爱管闲事真让人受不了。I've always found her unbearably nosey.

那个好事的家伙偷看我的日记,让我给抓个正着。I caught that Nosey Parker reading my diary.

她是个爱管闲事的人,可能知道内情的。She is a nosey parker and is probably in the know.

究竟是我还是药剂师变得越来越好管闲事了?Now is it just me, or are chemists getting increasingly nosey?

我喜欢听他们的私人电话,有点好管闲事的意味。I like listening to their private phone calls, in a nosey sort of way.

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我的一个朋友总是问我一些私人问题,她不该这样爱打听别人的事情。My friend always asks me about my personal life. She shouldn't be so nosey.

“这话一点儿不假,”大鼻子弗林吸溜着鼻涕说,那可是一匹少见的名马。I could, faith, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling. That was a rare bit of horseflesh.

这种人对别人的私事很感兴趣,人们认为他好管闲事。This kind of person is interested in other people's private matters. He is considered nosey.

我正在拍摄两棵树的照片,当我走回汽车的时候,被这群爱管闲事的奶牛跟随着。I was taking photos of a couple of trees and when I walked back to my car I was followed by this herd of nosey cows.

然而,“拜月一族”或许有天会突然发现他们的“月神”根本就纯属虚构。喜欢刨根问底的网民像往常一样,已经开始对小月月进行人肉搜索了。However, fans might suddenly find that their fantasy girl doesn't exist. Nosey netizens, as usual, have launched a search for the lady.

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但是当多事的政府调查员来到小镇捉拿“外星人”入侵者的时候,拥有宇宙中最酷的玩具的喜悦结束了。But the joys of owning the coolest toy in the universe ends when a nosey government agent arrives in town to hunt down the" alien " invader.

但是居然没有一个我的朋友在这个时候从旁经过,也没有一个邻居把头探出窗外看个究竟。要知道他们可都是些好凑热闹的人!But you know what, not one of my mates walked by, and not one of the neighbours stuck their heads out their windows, even though they were all nosey buggers!

这款USB驱动器是被安装在手表里的,这就意味着你可以用这个便携装置在好管闲事的保卫人员的眼皮底下堂而皇之地进入你的办公室。This USB drive sits inside a watch which means that you can slink into your office with this handy contraption right under the nose of the nosey security guards.