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他一定稳赢州长的职位。He is a shoo-in for the governorship.

到了1980年的时候,我的州长职责和我的生活都让我感觉良好。As 1980 dawned, I felt good about the governorship and my life.

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在角逐新泽西州州长的竞选中,克莉丝-克里斯蒂遥遥领先于乔恩-科赞。Chris Christie is easily leading Jon Corzine in the race for New Jersey's governorship.

理查德·尼克松1962年“退休”后,在加利福尼亚州长选举中失败。Richard Nixon “retired” in 1962 after losing an election for the governorship of California.

而惠特曼女士现在正投身于另一项风险更大的事业--竞选加州州长。Ms Whitman is now engaged in an even riskier venture—running for the governorship of California.

让我烦恼的第二件事是竞选总统活动将对我履行州长的职责造成困难。The second thing that bothered me was the difficulties a campaign would pose for my governorship.

此后她成功地参加了市议员竞选,并最终担任了市长和州长。This led to a position on the City Council, and, eventually to the mayor’s office and a governorship.

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在七月初静冈县举行的县长竞选中到场投票人数更是大幅增加。The increase was even more marked in the race for the governorship of Shizuoka prefecture in early July.

一九四六年五月一日,总督杨慕琦爵士回任,香港正式恢复。Civil government was formally restored on May 1,1946, when Sir Mark Young resumed his interrupted governorship.

五代十国时期是唐末藩镇割据的继续和发展。In the period of five dynasties and ten states, the military governorship of late Tang dynasty continued to develop.

共和党掌管政府,又控制了两大州立法内庭,所以共和党能够不受民主党干扰自行确定新的选区图。Republicans control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature, so can draw new maps without interference from Democrats.

此种情况也可能发生在州一级,即州长属于一个党,而另一党控制州议会。This situation also can exist at the state level, with one party controlling the governorship and another controlling the state legislature.

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当我把领导责任交予夏大卫候任地区总监时,地区保持动力和奋斗力并达至新水平最为重要。It is important that the District should continue the momentum and strive to reach a new level by the time I hand over the governorship to DGE David.

最引人注意的是我任命马伦.马丁为财政主管与行政主管,虽有争议,但一般人都认为这是州政府中仅次于州长的二号人物。My most notable appointment was Mahlon Martin as director of finance and administration, arguably the most important job in state government after the governorship.

那边厢,33岁的阿肯色州总检察长比尔·克林顿在1978年赢得州长选举,成为美国40年来最年轻州长。For his part, when 33-year-old Arkansas attorney general Bill Clinton won the governorship in 1978, he became the youngest governor the country had seen in some 40 years.

阿诺德·施瓦辛格在性问题上缺乏节制——一些细节在他当选前已经披露并由绯闻被揭发所证实——但那并未破坏他的州长任期。Arnold Schwarzenegger’s lack of sexual restraint—which had been described in some detail before his election and was confirmed by the disclosure of his affair—never disrupted his governorship.