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但是艾利亚的小屋却没有这些现代化的“诱惑”。Eliyah's cabin, though, has none of these modern trappings.

我们是一个企业经营性质的共和国。We are a Corporate Run country with the trappings of a Republic.

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你该卸下带来嫉妒的华服。You should work to be free of the trappings that cause jealousy.

当然,整个故事是一个披者现代悬疑的古老故事。The story, of course, is a very old tale in contemporary trappings.

我们全都需要留意点击劫持以及如何避免其中的陷井。We all need to be aware of clickjacking and how to avoid its trappings.

现在我们知道了史诗的雄壮还有主题很重要。Now we have the trappings here of epic grandeur and epic subject matter.

我们现在就已经可以体会出史诗的壮丽和主题了。Now we have the trappings here of epic grandeur and epic subject matter.

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张紫妍的死震惊了整个韩国,娱乐界的名流更是惊恐万分。Jang's death stunned this nation transfixed by celebrity and all its trappings.

你自己所要拥有的自信的外部标志是什么?What are the outward trappings of confidence that you would like to have yourself?

我们需要装饰一新的办公室吗?需要建筑设计图吗?需要职业的包工头吗?Do we need the trappings of the office , the working drawing , the specialized contractor?

把简练的富于感情的民间曲调用交响乐的装饰打扮起来就是贬低它。To dress up a simple expressive folk tune in the trappings of a symphony is to degrade it.

一个贵族可能拿着波兰盾,穿着波斯长袍,用着土耳其的马饰物。One nobleman might sport a Polish shield, and Persian robe and use Turkish horse trappings.

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他身边满是象征高贵身份的东西——狗,马以及精美的画。He surrounds himself with all the trappings of gentility — dogs, horses, and fine paintings.

穿着斑斓衣衫的丑角如果突然发疝痛了,他的衣服也就表现了这痛楚的情绪。Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.

二十年前,有一个美国记者刻薄地把她称作“爱打扮的美国女郎”。Educated in the United States, she took on all the trappings of an upper-middle-class American woman.

不久后作为总统身份的更进一步标志,浩荡的车队将会很快成为他日常生活的一部分。A further sign of the presidential trappings that will soon be part of his daily life was the motorcade.

如今中国的经济和中层阶级生活的外衣竟然买了整整一代人的沉默。TheChinese economy and the trappings of middle class life are nowbuying the silence of an entire generation.

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他拥有一辆宽敞的车,一座乡间别墅以及其它被认为是成功的标志的东西,但他并不真正幸福。He has a big car, a country house, and all the other trappings of success. But he was not in the least happy.

微软已经发现,这种规模的行动往往包含披上合法生意的外衣。Microsoft has found that operations of this scale tend to include all the trappings of legitimate businesses.

越来越多的人意识到享受音乐,毒品,找乐子用不着批着理想的外衣。A wider audience realized it was possible to enjoy the music, drugs and fun without the ideological trappings.