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产于马来半岛和苏门答腊岛的貘。a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra.

苏门答腊岛本身就是岛弧的一部分。Sumatra itself is part of an island arc.

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苏门答腊给我的第一印象并不好。First impressions of Sumatra are not good.

沉陷和山体滑坡,观察在苏门答腊。Subsidence and landslides were observed in Sumatra.

2004年苏门答腊地震之后也发生了相同的事情。Similar stories came out in 2004 after the Sumatra quake.

巽他山椒鸟,是山椒鸟科山椒鸟属的一种,为印度尼西亚的特有种。It is endemic to Indonesia, where it occurs on Sumatra and Java.

明打威海峡把锡默卢岛和尼亚斯岛与苏门答腊岛分隔两边。Simeulue and Nias are separated from Sumatra by the Selat Mentawai.

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家住印度尼西亚苏门答腊的阿赫迪·黎刹今年4岁。Who lives in Indonesia, Sumatra Ehedili brake 4 years old this year.

产于婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛的短刺长尾豪猪。porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail.

第二例为西苏门答腊省索洛的一名27岁男子。The second case is a 27-year-old male from Solok, West Sumatra Province.

这是苏门答腊岛楠榜省第1例新病例。The new case is the first from Lampung Province on the island of Sumatra.

上图所示为他们的服务应用于2009年苏门答腊地震救援的例子。The image above is an example from the Sumatra earthquake response of 2009.

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在大约七万四千年前的一个晴朗的日子里,苏门答腊岛上一座巨大的火山爆发了。One fine day about 74, 000 years ago, a giant volcano on Sumatra blew its top.

美国海军直升飞机向苏门答腊一些难以接近的受灾地区投放食品救援物资。US Navy helicopter crewmen drop food parcels to inaccessible areas in Sumatra.

苏门答腊地方很大,所以我们要捱过12小时乘在车上手脚不能动弹的日子。Sumatra is huge so we can look forward to 12-hour days on board with no fidgeting.

苏门答腊北部的席纳彭山顶部喷出浓厚的烟雾。A thick smoke spews from the summit of Mount Sinabung as it erupts in Northern Sumatra.

法德利还涉嫌参与了印尼苏门答腊岛的银行抢劫。Fadli is also suspected of involvement in a bank robbery on Indonesia's Sumatra island.

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她把我领到一张桌子边,给我端上一些美味的苏门答腊咖啡和意大利蛋糕。She led me to a table and brought me some delicious Sumatra coffee and espresso brownies.

各地都显得非常平静,就是在苏门答腊遭受地震最严重的班达亚齐亦是如此。Make seems to be calmer, though, in Banda Aceh, which was the hardest-hit town in Sumatra.

苏门答腊岛首次拍摄到罕见的巽他云豹Spotted! The elusive Sunda clouded leopard of Sumatra is caught on film for the first time