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如果你要买股票,可以找股票经纪人So if you want to buy stock you can call the stockbroker.

父亲霍华德是一名股票经纪人,担任过四届美国国会议员。His father was a stockbroker and four-term United States congressman.

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贴身男仆的活他干不了,就像他当不了证券经纪人,也走不了钢丝一样。He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker.

皮彻在股票经纪人哈维·马克斯韦尔的办公室里已工作好多年了。Pitcher had worked for many years in the office of Harvey Maxwell, the stockbroker.

当一个经纪人称有股票市场的重要消息时人们作何反应?How should one react when a stockbroker calls up with a hot tip on the stock market?

当这些都完成了之后,你将参加股票经纪人系列7的考试。When you're done with that, you'll be required to take the Series 7 stockbroker exam.

接下来的五个月中,他们每个人都劝阻我不要做股票经纪人。Over the next five months, every one of them discouraged me from becoming a stockbroker.

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他们已经知道该怎么做,甚至包括250名接受股票经纪人培训的来宾。They already knew what to do, even the 250 visitors taking a stockbroker training class.

他是证券经纪人,有次他和一名客户一起参加除夕派对,结果喝得酩酊大醉。This stockbroker went out to a New Year's Eve partywith a client, and drank himself into a stupor.

他父亲霍华德·巴菲特成长于一个杂货商的家庭中,但后来却成了一名股票经纪人,之后又成为美国国会的议员。His father, Howard Buffett, came from a family of grocers but himself became a stockbroker and later a U.

这位百万富翁曾是一位股票经纪人,他多次尝试只身乘热气球环球旅行,但都以失败而告终。The millionaire former stockbroker has made a series of failed attempts to fly solo in a balloon around the world.

本文从宏观经济和微观层面探讨了券商的定价策略。This thesis discusses pricing policy of the stockbroker companies from both macroscopical and microcosmic aspects.

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他父亲霍华德·巴菲特成长于一个杂货商的家庭中,但后来却成了一名股票经纪人,之后又成为美国国会的议员。His father, Howard Buffett, came from a family of grocers but himself became a stockbroker and later a U. S. congressman.

其他高压职业包括公司高管、广告客户经理、建筑师和证券经纪人。Other high-stress positions included senior corporate executive, advertising account executive, architect and stockbroker.

他父亲霍华德·巴菲特成长于一个杂货商的家庭中,但后来却成了一名股票经纪人,之后又成为美国国会的议员。His father, Howard Buffett, came from a family of grocers but he, himself, became a stockbroker and later a U. S. congressman.

他饰演一名成功的股票经纪人乔丹·贝尔福特,他被卷入一起大规模有价证券欺诈案。Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort, a successful stockbroker who becomes involved in a fraudulent securities exchange deal.

在一次圣诞晚会杰夫遇到一位股票经济人开始起步,“与他谈话,感觉别有洞天。”It all started for Jeff when he met a stockbroker at a Christmas party. “Talking to him, it felt like discovering fire,” he says.

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25岁的李木森,大不咧咧的瘦高个,3年前从加州搬到曼哈顿做了股票经纪。Lee Munson is a tall, lanky, swaggering 25-year-old who moved from California to Manhattan three years ago and became a stockbroker.

森林里,著名的龟兔赛跑结束之后,乌龟被任命为银行行长,兔子从事股票经纪人工作。In the Woods, the Tortoise was appointed the banker and the Hare worked as a stockbroker after the famous race between them was over.

你不能去一个真正的投行然后说,我想买几百股福特汽车的股票,你的证券公司在哪里?you wouldn't go to a pure investment bank either and say I want to buy a hundred shares of Ford Motor Company, ? where is your stockbroker?