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被这首歌弄湿了。嗒嗒。Were wet with song. Dada.

和一网打尽的声音非常清楚。And the sound DADA was very clear.

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这是我爸爸,他是一条咬人的狗。This is my dada , he is a biting dog.

目前计划在全球寻找达达宝宝。Now the plan is to take Dada babies global.

“哒哒”的脚步声忽然划破了原有的沉寂。"DaDa" footsteps suddenly cut the original silence.

森达达,艺术家,1964年1月生于中国大陆。Sen Dada artists, in January 1964 was born in mainland China.

我听到从爸妈睡觉的地方传来了一个声音。I heard a noise coming from where mama and dada were sleeping.

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我丈夫和我想象着他第一次甜蜜地叫我们“妈妈”或“爸爸”。My husband and I dreamed about the first sweet "Mama" or "Dada.

我是王力,达达旅行社导游。欢迎您来中国。I'm Wang Li, a tour guide from Dada Travel Agency. Welcome to China.

无论现行的艺术标准是什么,达达主义都与之针锋相对。For everything that art stood for, Dada was to represent the opposite.

一听到上线声音,哒哒。会马上看你QQ,是否上线,为什么?A voice, DaDa hear online. You will soon see whether on-line QQ, and why?

达达太太把碎布头拼在一起,给娃娃做了一套睡衣。Mrs. Dada pieced together small patches of cloth and made a pyjamas for the doll.

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例如,马塞尔·迪尚与达达派运动是否有关,达达派如何解散?。How, for example, does Marcel Duchamp relate to the Dada movement and how did Dada dissolve?

惠州市大大实业有限公司已通过ISO9001国际质量管理认证。Huizhou dada industry ltd has passed ISO9001 international quality management certification.

或许我们还得将bra,mama,和dada也算作一个词吧,只要在下两个月内再掌握两个单词,他就在正常之列了。Perhaps we will count bra, mama and dada after all. Just two more in two months and he'll be normal.

我仰卧着,从脖子到脚被爸爸塞进毯子里。I was lying on my back, and I was covered from foot to neck in the blanket my Dada had tucked me into.

计算结果表明,文中建立的控制从动轮滑移率优化方法是有效的。The estimated slip rate using the optimized variables is reduced greatly compared to the original dada.

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在分析战术数据链特点的基础上,提出了一种简单易行的方案来实现数据共享。This paper presents a simple data-sharing scheme which is based on the analysis of tactics dada link character.

给家里寄了封信,里面有我们和大大男朋友的照片。大大也把我们给童童的玩具寄回家了,希望你们都高兴。Sent home a letter, with pictures of Dada & J & I. Dada mailed the toy we bought for Tongtong, wish you all happy.

这个奇怪的交易是在2016年纪念达达主义艺术运动100周年之前长期项目的一部分。The bizarre deal is part of a long-term project in the run-up to the centenary of the Dada artistic movement in 2016.