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你是泥水匠梅森吗?Are You a Mason?

他是一位满怀职责的互济会员。He's a Mason fulfilling a duty.

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他是个煤炭商,一个泥水匠。He was a coal merchant, a mason.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedaled off to summon a mason.

梅森和杰克结伴一起前去索格斯。Mason accompanies Jack to Saugus.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedalled off to summon a mason.

但梅森正在捍卫自己的侧翼。But Mason is protecting his flanks.

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我应该解雇梅森先生还是格兰姆斯先生?B. I think you should fire Mr. Mason.

梅森请求德凡帮他一个忙。Mason asking Devan to do him a favor.

梅森女士于去年动了手术。Last year, Ms. Mason underwent surgery.

梅森同意会派一辆车来接杰克回去。Mason agrees to send back a car for him.

泥工用灰浆把接缝处抹平。The mason flushed the joint with mortar.

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泥工用灰浆把接缝处抹平。Thee mason flushed the joint with mortar.

别着急。我马上打电话叫一个泥瓦匠来。Don't worry. I'll call a mason right away.

梅森正在前面破败的石级上坐着。Mason was seated on the broken front steps.

听听徳凡和梅森如何谈论这个系列的最后一部电影。Hear Devan and Mason discuss the final film.

听听玛尼和梅森谈论关于毕业的事情。Hear Marni and Mason talk about graduations.

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梅森召唤尼娜和托尼来到杰克工作的办公室。Mason summons Nina and Tony to Jack's office.

“有生命危险吗?”梅森先生喃喃地说。Is there immediate danger? murmured Mr. Mason.

梅森决定亲自审问彭蒂科夫。Mason decides to interrogate Penticoff himself.