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鸽子咕咕地叫。A pigeon coos.

小灰鸽?Little gray pigeon?

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我刚刚宰了一只鸽子。I just killed a pigeon.

在对鸽子的"半酷刑"后Semi-torture for a pigeon.

鸽子啄伤老鹰。The pigeon injured the eagle.

回来了,一只赛鸽飞回来了。Come back, a pigeon flew back.

鸽子和绿色象征着和平。Pigeon or green stor to peace.

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羽毛洁白的小白鸽啊!Ah small white pigeon feathers!

我非常喜欢这只白鸽。I'm very like the white pigeon.

“不想的起来”朱西回应道。"No! " the pigeon would answer.

他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信。As a result, the carrier pigeon.

这座火山是座死火山。The passenger pigeon is extinct.

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我们要学画鸽子。We need to learn to draw a pigeon.

他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。All the can shoot is a clay pigeon.

岩鸽降落在慢动作。Rock Pigeon landing in slow motion.

哪一只鸽子先到达的?Which pigeon was the first arrived?

——它已经是只迷信的鸽子了。It had become a superstitious pigeon.

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鸽子虽小,大事可传。Little pigeon can carry great message.

而且鸽子蛋很贵,要3元一个。Pigeon eggs and expensive, to a 3 yuan.

没错,是杰克,那只鸽子像粪土一样躺在那儿。That pigeon was just as dead as a turd.