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你吃油酥点心吃得太多了。You eat too much pastry.

这点心松脆可口。The pastry is light and crisp.

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面点里面加猪肉了,having like a pastry item with pork,

在馅饼皮上划几个口,并刷一层牛奶。Cut slits in pastry. Brush with milk.

母亲把油酥面中的一些团块拍平。Mother patted down some lumps in the pastry.

樱井翔新广告中变身美味糕点师!Sakurai to Become a Pastry Chef in the New CM!

点心房里在喊着要枣子和温柏呢。They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.

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制做前她把馅饼皮压得薄又平。Before cooking, she pressed pastry flat and thin.

制作前她把馅饼皮压得薄又平。Before cooking , she pressed pastry flat and thin.

在酥皮洒少许海盐。Sprinkle some Maldon salt all over the pastry top.

你吃油酥点心吃得太多了。You eat too much pastry, ie food made with pastry.

乳媪点心房里在喊着要枣子和榅桲!NURSE They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.

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她是一个很棒的厨师,尤其擅长做面点。She's a wonderful cook, especially in pastry making.

一张生面皮包一个肉里脊,要全部裹好,封实。Wrap each piece of pork fillet in pastry to enclose.

一个有着日式黑色沉默的日式点心店A Japanese pastry shop with Japanese black in silence

你想吃蛋糕、曲奇饼干、冰激凌还是点心?B – Do you want cake, cookies, ice cream or a pastry?

烤点心时加一整块奶酪似乎太奢侈了。Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant.

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厨师称出了做点心的面粉和油脂。The cook weighed out the flour and fat for the pastry.

我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.

上述情景就如同糕点已经成为下午茶时间的一部分。These images are as much a part of teatime as a pastry.