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谁应该使用该工具箱?Who should use the toolkit?

这才是实际的工具箱代码。This is the actual toolkit code.

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该版本也仍将包含VCL工具集。This also includes the VCL toolkit.

将这个文档插件添加到工具箱中。Add the documentation plug-in to your toolkit.

该工具包同样有制服狒狒进犯的办法。The toolkit also has ideas to control baboons.

安装拓扑域生成工具箱。Install the Topology Domain Generation Toolkit.

首先,宽容是可控工具包的一部分。First, leniencies are part of the managerial toolkit.

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要启动该向导,使用工具包引导机器即可。To start the wizard, boot the machine with the toolkit.

这些工具箱式的常识会随着科技进步而大幅增长。That toolkit will be drastically expanded by technology.

工具箱将会报告说它正在扫描这个项目。The toolkit will report that it is scanning the project.

例如,谁决定什么代码进入工具包?For example, who decides what code gets into the toolkit?

本文介绍了该工具包,并且概括了其关键的特性。This article introduces the toolkit and outlines its key features.

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此外,它还可以对所有操作系统上的所有Web服务器进行分析。Furthermore, the toolkit can analyze any web-server running on any OS.

现在,您可以找到所有你需要的音频处理在一个单一的工具包。Now you can find all you need for audio processing in a single toolkit.

而OSKIT正是为OS的研究和设计人员而开发的一个定制操作系统的工具包。OSKIT is such a toolkit for the OS' researchers and designers to build an OS.

由于这个原因,可以优先选用本身支持起源跟踪的工具箱。For this reason, native toolkit support for provenance tracking is preferable.

这9个策略可以作为你的“营销主意工具箱”中强有力的工具。These nine strategies are a strong start to include in your idea-selling toolkit

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当今的抗疟工具包更好了,也是因为种类更多了。Today’s toolkit for combating malaria is better, also because it is more varied.

我几乎讨厌过所有曾使用过的任何环境下的用户界面工具。I have hated almost every UI toolkit I have ever used, in almost any environment.

但是我们认为猛犸数目的减少发生在克洛维斯人应用他们的工具之前。What we're suggesting is the declines happened before the Clovis toolkit was adopted.