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我严肃地批评了他!I animadversion seriously he!

本文是一篇批评性评论文章。This text is an animadversion to comment on an article.

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如果一个孩子生活在宽容之中,他就学会了大度。If a boy lives in the animadversion , he learns to blame.

但在关于落后者的批判中,也隐含了对“合理利己主义”原则的否定。But there was negation to "reasonable individualism" in animadversion to stragglers.

盐铁会议对汉武帝内外统治政策的批判。Part ii , the animadversion to Hanwu emperor's regnant policy at Salt-iron conference.

在1940年代,丁玲的作品中对男性表现出肯定与批判的双向深化的倾向。In 1940 s, Tendency of affirmation and animadversion to male was deepened in Ding Lings works.

批判作为哲学思维环节中最核心的环节,贯穿着人类哲学思维活动的全过程。Animadversion is carried through the whole process of philosophical thinking, as its most nuclear content.

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大体来说,受到赞扬会高兴,受到批评会生气。The big comes say, suffering to speak favorably the meeting happy, suffer the animadversion to can get angry.

这种观念与思想方式,其实已经减弱或干脆丧失了它应有的历史批判与道德批判的意义。This kind of idea and thinking method has lost the significance of history criticism and moral animadversion.

竞争在于拼搏、创新源于改正,我们需要您的意见与批评。The competition lies in work hard, the innovation comes from to correct. We need your opinion and animadversion.

因此,批判不仅仅是一种精神,一种意识,而是一种更为根本的哲学思维方式。Thus animadversion is not merely a spirit or a consciousness, but a more fundamental mode of philosophical thinking.

“比较优势陷阱”理论是以批判比较优势理论静态性质为自己立论的。The theory of "comparative advantage trap" is based on the animadversion of the static theory of comparative advantage.

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内容提要中国的“舆论监督”的内涵,与一般意义的传媒批评有所差异。The connotation of "supervision by public opinion" in China is different from the general meaning of media animadversion.

但是,在“芭比”受到公众广泛欢迎的同时,也受到了来自各方面的批评。But, suffer in the " Barbie" public extensive welcome of at the same time, also suffered the animadversion from everyone's.

反讽使读者了解到作者有意识的批评,也给小说增添了乐趣。Ironize to make the reader understand the author to have intention to the animadversion for know, also increased fun for novel.

本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的反封建意识、悲剧意识和批判意识。In this article, the author focuses on the anti- feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.

大学对社会发展的“止于至善”的道德追求和建设性的、理性的批判是其社会责任的核心。Universities' essential social duty lies in its endless moral pursuit of perfection and its constructive, rational animadversion.

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所以在对发达工业社会的批判的同时也开始了他漫长的对历史主体的追寻过程。Therefore, the process of civilization animadversion brings him another work to pursue for new historical subject at the same time.

在建构其理论体系、进行社会批判中,双向考察方法发挥了重要作用。Bidirectional reviewing method also plays an important role in the establishment of its theoretical system and social animadversion.

以往人们关注的是霍克海默对资本主义的文化批判,其实他所阐述的文化批判功能,才是其文化批判中最有价值的东西。Much attention has been paid to Max Horkheimer's animadversion. However, the function of his cultural animadversions is the most valuable.