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现今很多教育都是效果很差的。Much education today is monumentally ineffective.

Monumentally研究,详细和丰富全面的说明。Monumentally researched, comprehensively detailed and profusely illustrated.

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在通货紧缩的地区,这是非常错误的政策。This is a monumentally ill-considered policy in a region that faces deflation.

有一些丑陋事情刻在了以色列在耶路撒冷修建的隔离墙上。Few things are as monumentally ugly as the Israeli separation wall on Jerusalem's edge.

中国的首都正在摧毁它的历史心脏去建造那些愚蠢的高楼群。The Chinese capital is demolishing its historic heart to build groups of monumentally tall buildings.

但是,不要写成小说哦,也不要每个小时都长时间聊。But please, this shouldn’t be a novel, nor should you share in a monumentally long IM chat every hour.

这是因为伊拉克是个多余的国家,阿富汗没有合法存在的策略。S. back monumentally. This is because Iraq was unnecessary and Afghanistan had no legitimate exist strategy.

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竞技场之所以极端重要有其必然的理由,因为他是帝国的心灵所托。There was a good reason arenas were so monumentally important. For here was the true heart and soul of empire.

而作为全球五分之一人口的家园,本届奥运对整个国家都具有纪念性的意义。These Games were monumentally important to the host nation, which happens to be home to one fifth of humanity.

这个月还要发生一件事,这件事对你的未来有非常积极的影响。One other thing is happening this month, something that is due to have a monumentally positive effect on your future.

当华盛顿总统当选美国第一任总统时,他组建了一只小型的"政敌团队",这个团队星光熠熠,许多著名的开国元勋都在其中,他还需要解决各种各样的并且对未来具有重大意义的棘手问题。When his presidency begins, “Washington” becomes a mini- “Team of Rivals, ” complete with stellar cast and monumentally important issues to be faced.

但公司尚须克服重重高难度的技术瓶颈,而且硼氢化钠的产品市价是同体积汽油的50倍。The company must overcome a series of monumentally imposing technical barriers. Commercial sodium borohydride has a cost 50 times that of a comparable tank of gasoline.

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撇开这些事不谈,每一件从华丽到幽默,到性爱的魅力,到悲伤,到雄伟,到深沉地阴森和不朽地黑人圣歌都流入他的音调当中。Out of those experiences, everything from pomp to humor to erotic charisma to grief to majesty to the profoundly gruesome and monumentally spiritual worked its way into his tone.

徕卡的总裁经常援引公司的长久历史,把最新产品看成徕卡百年研发积淀的子孙后代,极具纪念意义的原型徕卡就是这一切的发端。Leica’s executives often invoke the company’s long history, portraying the latest products as the heirs to over a century of research and development, starting with the monumentally titled Ur-Leica.