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什么是无电池?What, no battery?

我的电池要没电了。My battery is low.

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低电量指示。Low battery indication.

这可能是电池有问题。It could be the battery.

我带备用电池了。I bought a spare battery.

日产350Z钥匙电池。Nissan 350Z main battery.

本站由一个9伏电池。Powered by one 9V battery.

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电池又充了电。The battery was recharged.

电池极板干燥机“,”Battery Grid Drying Machine.

请你把电池充一下电好吗?Could you charge the battery?

我想要一个可替换的电池。I want a replaceable battery.

这节电池还有电。This battery still has power.

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它有自己的干电池充电器。It has its own battery charger.

检查电池或交流发电机。Check the battery or alternator.

我每周都给电池充电。I top up the battery every week.

他是炮兵连一个很不错的指挥官。He was an okay battery commander.

但是我没看到许多电瓶车。But I don't see many battery cars.

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他给汽车的电池充了电。He charged the battery of his car.

我尝试使用交流电源,没有电池。I try to use AC power, no battery.

指示,不带电池的电压。Indicates voltage without battery.