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戴尼提研习班会告诉你,这些念头来自哪里。Dianetics class will tell you where these notions come from.

运用戴尼提所教导的技术,会让一个人更理智。Applying what Dianetics instructs you, you will be more rational.

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1988年,山达基在印地安那波利斯500汽车赛上赞助了一辆戴尼提号汽车。In 1988, Scientology sponsored a Dianetics car in the Indianapolis 500.

他拍了一群山达基信徒正在聊他们运用戴尼提的实际方法。He shot a group of Scientologists talking about the practical ways that they had used Dianetics.

他坚决避免想平常那样宣称戴尼提为向着启蒙和教化胜利进军做出了贡献。He was determined to avoid the usual claim that Dianetics offered a triumphal march toward enlightenment.

七天内服用药物者,不能接受戴尼提技术的帮助,但是可以帮助别人。If you take medicine in seven days, you cannot accept Dianetics techniques' help, but you can help others.

科学家们不理会哈伯德的书,但美国和美国之外涌现出了许许多多戴尼提团体。Scientists dismissed Hubbard’s book, but hundreds of Dianetics groups sprang up across the U.S. and abroad.

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在这个过程中,他深化了他的“研究”,最终发现了“戴尼提”和山达基,它们能够解答人类的绝大部分疑问。In the process, he developed the "research" that led him to discover "Dianetics" and Scientology, the answers to most of mankind's ills.

戴尼提的目标是排出他们那些痛苦、有破坏性的特质,消除反应式心灵,让人“净化”。The object of Dianetics is to drain the engrams of their painful, damaging qualities and eliminate the reactive mind, leaving a person “Clear.

哈吉斯观察茨威格和赫斯科维兹是怎么工作的,他对做导演产生了兴趣,当山达基让他给戴尼提做一个30秒的广告时,他抓住了这个机会。Observing Zwick and Herskovitz at work got Haggis interested in directing, and when the church asked him to make a thirty-second ad about Dianetics he seized the chance.

头一天我们通了通我曾在纽约在戴尼提课中接触过又在英国通过的一些内容,其中包括压抑他人者的人格特点。The first day we went over some material I had already been exposed to on the Dianetics Course in New York and passed over lightly in England, including the Characteristics of the Suppressive.