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在开底舱之前打扫二层舱甲板。Clean tween deck before opening lower hold.

吐温对牛胰蛋白酶活性的影响较少。The activity of bovine trypsin is less influenced by tween.

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在宝宝喝奶前进食半樽至一樽的份量。Feed be- tween half and a complete jar before baby's milk feed.

最后提出了涂渗层厚度与时间的关系。The relation be- tween thickness of penetration and time is proposed.

新疆乌孜别克族和维吾尔族、广西黑衣壮族和浙江畲族遗传关系较近。Genetic relationship be- tween Uzbek and Uigur, Heiyi Zhuang and She is closer.

分析冠脉狭窄程度与心肌灌注减少的关系。The relation be- tween coronary stenosis and myocardial perfusion was analysed.

总的来说,这个年龄段的孩子,尤其男孩子是很难取悦的。Tweens in general, but especially tween boys can be a hard group to be pleased.

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我会给皇家天文学会打个电话,问问我们星球和地球自转周期的倍率。I will phone the Astronomer Royal for a time comparison be tween your planet and ours.

它的产生和发展是食品零售业与食品餐饮业良性竞争的结果。HMR is crated and developed by the result of the battle be- tween retail and foodservice.

在与菲共同降解的过程中,吐温80亦能作为碳源被降解微生物利用。During the biodegradation process, Tween 80 can be utilized by microbe as a carbon source.

近年来,越来越多的人已经意识到脂肪肝与胰岛素抵抗之间的密切关系。In recent years, more and more people realized the intimate relations be- tween IR and NAFLD.

在支持元素属性的两个值之间或通过Effect.Tween进行方法调用。Support for tweening between two values of an element property or method call with Effect.Tween.

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如果你上小学的孩子突然决定要作一个素食者,有一些事情你需要先了解。If your tween suddenly decides that he wants to be a vegetarian, there are few things you need to know.

胚和胚乳的发育与果实的生长有一定的相关性。There is also a certain interrelation of development be- tween the fruit, the embryo and the endosperm.

引擎应是单缸或双缸,垂直线纹胎,禁止使用双平引擎。These engines shall be of the single or double cylinder, vertical type. Flat Tween engines are forbidden.

如今,吸血鬼正不仅仅被视为一种亦人亦鬼的生物,这是否也导致它们更难描写了呢?Right now, vampires are really seen as more of a tween thing. Did that make it harder to write about them?

针刺调节焦虑障碍与OT-HPA轴是否相关,尚未见文献研究与分析报道。However, it has not been reported that the relationships be- tween OT-HPA axis and acupuncture on anxiety disorders.

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加入不同浓度表面活性剂吐温-20于同浓度锶溶液中培养,离心。With different concentrations of Tween -20 in the culture solution with the concentration of strontium, centrifugal.

这个基于迪斯尼大卖的片子打造的真人秀节目将于六月闪亮登场。The show, which is banking on the power of Disney's tween megahit franchise to bring in viewers, is set to debut in June.

如果你是个对文件共享有兴趣的年轻人,在下载软件或交换文件前与你的父母交流。If you're a teen or tween interested in file-sharing, talk with your parents before downloading software or exchanging files.