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我会留在索尔福德大学,因为I'll stay in Salford again because,

博士索尔福德是相当直率的他的工作。Salford is quite outspoken about his work.

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今年初,我们在索尔福德进行了同样的调查。Earlier this year, we undertook a similar exercise in Salford.

我在索尔福德大学修完了航空工程学。I finished aeronautical engineering in the Salford University.

索尔福德码头已经有150多个与媒体相关的公司进驻。Salford Quays already has more than 150 media-related businesses.

在索尔福德购物区,仍有与警方对峙的现象。Stand-offs with police continued around Salford shopping precinct.

是在索尔福德大学学习或工作的人理想的居住地点。Ideal location for those working or studying at Salford University.

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这些自愿者在英国索尔福德一个公园给美国艺术家图尼克拍照。The volunteers posed for American artist Spencer Tunick in a park in Salford.

我们每周都在萨尔福德的阿尔伯特公园举办选秀。We held trials every week up at Albert Park in Salford on the floodlit Astroturf.

在看台上,球迷们互相拥抱,向他们伦敦的朋友们炫耀。In the stands, grown men hugged and Salford lads baited their London counterparts.

吉格斯,第34条,取得了硕士学位,艺术大学的西尔科特在仪式上,劳瑞剧院举行。Giggs, 34, was made a master of arts by the University of Salford in a ceremony at the Lowry Theatre.

早些时候,在4英里外的索尔福德购物城,数百年轻人参与了一次与警方的对峙。Earlier, hundreds of youths were involved in a stand-off with riot police four miles away at Salford Shopping City.

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曼彻斯特和索尔福德是学生宿舍向豪华宿舍转变的中心地,两市都有大量的豪华学生宿舍区兴起。Salford have been at the heart of this transformation with blocks of luxury student apartments being thrown up across both cities.

英超数据统计系统是由英国索尔福德大学的统计学家推出,是英国的主要的体育数据统计系统之一。The Premiership Actim Index was developed in partnership with statisticians from Salford University, one of the UK's leading centres for sports statistics.

Salford大学的研究小组负责音频方面的研究,主要是研究全方位声音捕捉和在改变视角方向时的声音方向变化。The Salford team are developing the audio aspect of the project, working on capturing panoramic sound and matching the direction of the audio to the changing video angles.