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别把壶里的茶滗干了。Don't drain the teapot dry.

这把荼壶倒起来不太方便。This teapot doesn't pour very well.

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我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I'm a little teapot short and stout.

茶壶掉下来摔得粉碎。The teapot fell with an awful smash.

我还想买一只中国茶壶。I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.

她跳起来,将茶壶向他掷去。She upped and threw the teapot at him.

茶壶觉着花籽就像她的心脏。The teapot felt the seed as her heart.

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这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭。The teapot just came apart in my hands.

茶壶盖不容易取下。The teapot lid doesnt' take off easily.

好的荼壶可以使荼的味道更好。A good teapot can make tea taste better.

水在茶壶里开始沸腾。The water began to bubble in the teapot.

慢慢倒下,他朝茶壶撇了一眼。Toppling over, he leered into the teapot.

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我还想买一只中国茶壶。And I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.

小唐尼把茶壶嘴打下来了。Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot.

她把茶壶又添满了开水。She refilled the teapot with boiling water.

她试图启开茶壶的盖子。She tried to prize the lid out of the teapot.

这个漂亮的茶壶是用紫砂烧制而成的。This beautiful teapot is made of purple clay.

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听起来蛮有趣的。我刚好想买个茶壶。Sounds interesting.I just want to buy a teapot.

阴阳茶壶是为两种人而设计的。The Yin &Yang is a teapot designed for two people.

泡茶的壶应为瓷制或陶制。The teapot should be made of china or earthenware.