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他是我的普通朋友。Es mi amigo normal.

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正常分娩时间。Normal delivery time.

权当这些是正常时间。Call these normal times.

适合正常发质电发使用。Uniquely for normal hair.

肠鸣音正常。Satisfactory sound normal.

但是什么是标准的数据呢?But what about normal data?

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我正站在新标准的营地里”。I'm in the New Normal camp.

有白带是正常的。There leukorrhea is normal.

每个人都是正常的。Everyone wants to be normal.

平时握杖的方法。Normal way of hilding poles.

咁点变返正常?。Point change back to normal?

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然后我告诉自己,这是很正常的。Then I’m told this is normal.

它们是日常生活的组成部分。They are part of normal life.

他们是热心肠的正常人。They are warm, normal people.

她觉得佢精神似乎不正常。He did not seem normal to her.

她竭力使自己做到面不改色。Her face tried to look normal.

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再说他还是你的救命恩人。It is normal that he love you.

外观正常的环状病损。The appearance of normal ring.

他的正常吃飯的时间是?。What are his normal mealtimes?