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你还在继续空手道吗?Do you continue Karaté?

他是空手道黑带选手。He is a black belt in karate.

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在空手道上,泰勒取得了一定的成绩。He did achieve a lot in karate.

闪人先,空手道去也!Dodges human first, karate goes!

他是空手道黑带级选手。He holds a black belt in karate.

我希望父亲能教我空手道。I wish my dad would teach me karate.

听起来和柔道、空手道,跆拳道差不多。It sounds like Judo , Karate or TKD.

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我的父亲有一个空手道黑带。My father has a black belt in karate.

艾丽斯的男朋友懂一点儿空手道。Alice's boyfriend knew a little karate.

功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。It is the ancestor of karate and jujitsu.

功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。It is the ancestor of karate and ju-jitsu.

我参加锻鍊身体和空手道的比赛了。I have competed in bodybuilding and karate.

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我每隔两天去运动中心练空手道。Think karate kid , now take away the karate.

黑腰带级是空手道的最高级别。The black belt is the highest level in karate.

我在众人面前跳了起来并摆出了个空手道的姿势。I jump into a karate pose in front of everyone.

上个星期,他是穿着他的空手道裤子回来的。And last weekend he came back in his karate trousers.

我也喜欢你木讷日本的武士道,还有空手道。I also like your stiff Japanese Bushido, as well as karate.

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本次赛事的举行,将有力地推动与促进木兰拳的发展。And this event will forcefully promote the development of karate.

那么功夫的击打动作和空手道的击打动作有什么区别呢?What's the difference between a Gung Fu punch and a karate punch?

选手须穿著白色无条纹及无滚边之空手道服。Contestants must wear a white karate gi without stripes or piping.