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森林培育学需要加强系统科学的指导。We believe that the discipline of silviculture needs further guidance from the system sciences.

并分别立地类型、造林密度、林分年龄对这些指标的影响进行了研究。And the effects of the site type, silviculture density and stand age on the above indexes are studied.

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主要介绍了土耳其林木种苗生产、营造林和森林防火现状和管理模式。The present situations and management models of seedling production, silviculture and fire prevention in Turkey were described.

其中,造林密度对木材造纸特性的影响不显著,年龄、立地类型均显著地影响造纸特性。Site type and stand age can significantly influence the paper properties whereas silviculture density effect isn't significant yet.

文中对森林培育技术精准化的含义、内容、研究现状和实现途径进行了分析和阐述。The signification, representation, current status and realization approaches of the precision of silviculture technologies are analyzed.

营林生产资金运行机制对国有林场的长期、持续发展有重大的影响。The silviculture funding mechanism has made an important effect on the long-term and sustainable development of state-owned forest farm.

林业基金制度是在营林生产耗费得不到相应的价值补偿和物质补偿的背景下产生的。Forestry fund has been established recognizing that expenditures of value and material on silviculture production can not get enough compensation.

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营林产值计算,必须遵循产值计算的一般原理,同时又要反映营林生产的特点。Calculating output value of silvieulture must follow the general principles of output value calculation and reflects the particularities of silviculture production.

经过多年的努力,江西省速生丰产用材林建设有一定的成绩,但仍然有许多因素严重地影响了速生丰产林基地建设的速度和质量。In recent years, because of the problem of emergency and scarcity of wood, silviculture of fast-growing and high-yielding plantation of poplar has been made much of.

尽管多种因素的作用较为复杂,但其生长培育对木材材性的能动作用是肯定的。It is showed that all sorts of growing and culturing methods in intensive culturing management can be combined to control wood quality through silviculture interaction.

本文讲述了五味子的人工栽培技术,药用成分、药理作用和发展五味子栽培、加工的对策。Silviculture measure, medicine composition, pharmacological effect and strategies for developing Silviculture and procession of Chinese Gall were introduced in the paper.

要利用有限的林地和环境资源高效地培育人工林,就要求森林培育技术精准化。The precision of silviculture technologies is essential for plantation establishment and management, for high efficient utility of limited land and environment resources.

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本文讨论了建立速生丰产林营林经济分析辅助决策系统的目的和意义,重点阐述了系统的架构设计和各子系统的分析与设计。This paper discusses the mission of developing a silviculture DSS system for small forests owners, and designs and builds a SDSS based on silviculture plans and economic analysis.

提出处于培育中的人工用材林的营林产值应分立木蓄积产值和可育性产值两大部分,并提出划分立地类别进行产值统计的办法。It points out that the output value of silviculture of artificial timber stand should be divided into two parts, the output value of stumpage and the output value of cultivability.

文章探讨了我国公益林和商品林培育市场化的必要性和可行性,并对提高森林培育市场化程度提出了政策建议。Th en the necessity and feasibility of the marketing of public welfare forest and commercial forest are discussed. And several related suggestions on the marketing of silviculture are proposed.

本文提出产值计算价格和生长量系数两个概念,并运用它们,从理论上解决了营林产值计算问题。In this paper, two concepts calculated price of output value and coefficient of increment are put forward, with which the problem of calculating output value of silviculture is solved in theory.