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斯皮兹现在是回天乏术了。There was no hope for Spitz now.

芬兰波美拉尼亚丝毛狗的样子很象狐狸。The Finnish Spitz presents a fox-like picture.

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里边的骨头断了,斯皮兹现在是靠三条腿站着。The bone broke, and Spitz was standing on three legs.

巴克还没来得及有所动作,弗朗索瓦就敏捷地打了斯皮兹一下。Franois was quick and hit Spitz before Buck had time to move.

它已经赢得了对斯皮兹的战斗,它想成为领头狗。He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.

他能不能像1972年的马克·施皮茨那样夺取7金?Could he top Mark Spitz and the seven gold medals he won in 1972?

马克-斯皮茨保持着数项男子游泳记录。Spitz holds the all-time Olympic record for men's swimming events.

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斯帕斯全然不顾伤痛和绝望,疯狂地挣扎着,坚持斗争。Despite the pain and helplessness, Spitz struggled madly to keep up.

你也有,如果你不介意,黑麦面包的一块的施皮茨?Do you have also, if you don't mind, a piece of rye bread—the spitz ?

它吃完鱼,再回到自己的窝时,却发现斯皮兹呆在里头。But when he had eaten, and returned to his hole, he found Spitz in it.

马克-斯皮茨保持着数项男子游泳记录。Mark Spitz holds the all-time Olympic record for men's swimming events.

其他的狗开始渐渐不把斯皮茨放在眼里,甚至公然违抗他。The other dogs began to lose their respect for Spitz and even disobey him.

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施皮茨以蝶泳最为擅长,在自由泳项目上成绩也非常优秀。Notably a butterfly specialist, Spitz was also successful in the freestyle.

一旁等着的那群狗一拥而上。斯皮兹从世上消失了。A second later the waiting pack was on top of him, and Spitz had disappeared.

“斯帕斯打得真狠。”波瑞特边查看道道裂开的伤口边说。"Dat Spitz fight like hell, " said Perrault, as he surveyed the gaping rips and cuts.

斯皮兹抓着了兔子。它把兔子叼起来抛向空中。这时,巴克正紧随其后。When Spitz caught the rabbit, throwing it in the air with his teeth, Buck was just behind.

朱莉娅,是一条由狮子狗和日本银狐杂交而成的小狗,她正穿着菲律宾的民族服饰等待出场。Julia, a Shih Tzu-Japanese Spitz cross, dressed in a native Filipino costume waits for her turn.

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露易丝•斯琵茨是伦敦一家律师事务所——曼彻斯的律师,她观察了自九月份以来的一个“不寻常的”时期。Louise Spitz of Manches, a London law firm, has observed an “exceptional” period since September.

斯琵茨女士谈到,在大多数的婚姻中,在一个国家里维持一个家庭就几乎没有足够的钱了。In most marriages there is barely enough money to support one family in one country, notes Ms Spitz.

芬兰波美拉尼亚丝毛狗整体显得活泼,尤其在眼睛、耳朵和尾巴这些部位表现的更为明显。The Finnish Spitz whole being shows liveliness, which is especially evident in the eyes, ears and tail.