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一种酸性成分。An acidic ingredient.

在购买时要阅读成分表。Read the ingredient list.

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酪梨沙拉酱中最主要的材料是?。The main ingredient in Guacamole is?

靛青是蓝色的一种自然配料。Indigo is a natural ingredient in blue.

什麽是鹰嘴豆芝麻沙拉酱的主要材料?。What is the main ingredient in Houmous?

为什么这会是首要因素。Why would this be the first ingredient?

这是个简略句还是一个复合句?Is it a plain or an ingredient sentence?

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猪肉也是香肠最常用的原材料。It is also a common ingredient of sausages.

其重要的原料是手工制成的秸杆捆。The key ingredient is handmade straw bales.

普罗旺斯炖菜」的主要材料是?What is the main ingredient of ratatouille?

博弈的第二个要素是策略Second ingredient of the game are strategies.

第一种原料是辛勤工作的老师。The first ingredient is a hardworking teacher.

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开始准备下一种通用的配料。Start on the next common ingredient preparation.

可乐中的活跃成份就是含磷的酸性物质。The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.

“奶精”是珍珠奶茶之魂。Milk essence is the main ingredient in bubble tea.

甘油就是个例子,它是这种保湿霜的一种成分。Glycerine is an example of this kind of ingredient.

她的烹饪方法很好,因为里面含有神秘的配料。Her recipe is good because of the secret ingredient.

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大豆是在如此良好的主要特征成分。Soy is the main characterising ingredient in So Good.

竹袜中含有一种天然的消除气味的成分。Bamboo socks contain a natural odor-eating ingredient.

这是柠檬草,它们是泰国菜的关键食材。Lemon grass! They are key ingredient for my Thai food.