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很快,混合物成了面团状。Soon the mixture was doughy.

它应该很柔软潮湿,不黏也不软稠。It should be tender and moist but not gummy or doughy.

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皮肤热而乾燥、无弹性,用手按捺时有柔软的感觉。The skin was hot, dry and inelastic, and had a doughy feel.

老人拿起那黏稠的团块,把它放在滚烫的石头上。The old man took up the doughy mass and placed it upon the hot stone.

简单的说,缺少一个洞的炸面圈的密度完全是不均匀的。In short, the consistency of a doughnut lacking a hole would be, quite simply, doughy.

一个戴劳力士表,面色苍白的秃头佬几乎总是比穿汉堡店制服的英俊小伙更受青睐!A doughy bald guy in a Rolex will outscore a stud in a Burger King uniform almost every time!

我有一个制作出属于你自己的面人奥运福娃的简单介绍给那些一直对这个有疑问的人。For those of you who's always wondered, here's a simple guide to making you very own doughy Olympic Fuwa.

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他的脚是胖胖的,像粉蒸肉一样,穿着白色袜子塞满了棕色的皮鞋。His feet were fat and doughy like thick tamales , and these he powdered and stuffed into white socks and brown leather shoes.

在美国最普遍的就是这种大量生产的白色、松软的面包,装在塑料袋中,一周保质期,它就是造成肥舒美副作用胖和糖尿病的主要元凶。The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white, soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes.

在美国最普遍的就是这种大量生产的白色、松软的面包,装在塑料袋中,一周保质期,它就是造成肥胖和糖尿病的主要元凶。The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white, soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes.

祖父睡在客厅的沙发上,鼾声从他齿间传来。他的脚胖得好像厚塔玛利,他得费好大的劲才能穿上他的白袜子和棕色皮鞋。The grandpa slept on the living room couch and snored through his teeth. His feet were fat and doughy like thick tamales , and these he powdered and stuffed into white socks and brown leather shoes.