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就拿贝尼奥夫六月份发表的一次主旨演讲来说吧。Take this keynote Benioff delivered in June.

或许,埃里森只是想让贝尼奥夫闭嘴。Maybe Ellison just wanted to silence Benioff.

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贝尼奥夫带的地震都分布在下降岩石圈板块内。Earthquakes along benioff zones are distributed in the descending lithosphere slabs.

贝尼奥夫知道通过级别和文件进入高层管理的观点常是模糊的。The view into top management from the rank and file was just as obscure, Benioff knew.

“当然,我仍然拥有一台个人电脑,”Benioff先生说,“但是我现在用iPad越来越多,用个人电脑越来越少。”“Of course, I still have a PC,” Mr. Benioff said. “But I am using it less and less and I am using my iPad more.”

“突然,会议从一个挑选的组参与发展到整个公司参与进去,”贝尼奥夫说。“Suddenly, the meeting went from a select group participating to the entire company participating,” Benioff says.

“突然,会议从一个挑选的组参与发展到整个公司参与进去,”贝尼奥夫说。"Suddenly, the meeting went from a select group participating to the entire company participating, " Benioff says.

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形成岩浆,从贝尼奥夫带喷发时,这些物质将发生长期的再循环。Long-term recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the Benioff zone.

的CEO马克·本尼奥夫主要介绍了开发者够过Salesforce.com建立应用程序的重要性。s CEO Marc Benioff mostly talked about the importance of developers in building applications on top of

Salesforce和NetSuite是由甲骨文前员工、埃里森昔日手下马克•贝尼奥夫和埃文•戈德堡分别创建的。Both Salesforce and NetSuite are founded by Oracle alumni and former Ellison proteges, Marc Benioff and Evan Goldberg respectively.

他聊到了“虚假的云”,背后的显示屏显示的是一台Exadata机器,上面的甲骨文标识勉强用一朵云遮盖住了。He talks about a "false cloud" while the display shows an Exadata machine with the Oracle logo barely disguised by a cloud. Benioff said

更重要地是,在整个组织里培育讨论氛围,贝尼奥夫能够更好地使全体员工围绕共同的使命奋斗。More important, by fostering a discussion across the entire organization, Benioff has been able to better align the whole workforce around its mission.

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Salesforce的Benioff先生说,“发展中国家的软件开发者可以在我们的平台上开发出和美国加州帕洛阿尔托的人一样好的应用。”“Software developers from a developing country can build just as great an application on our platform as somebody who lives in Palo Alto,” says Mr Benioff of Salesforce.

当贝尼奥夫读聊天工具帖子时,他发现许多有消费者的批判知识的人和添加最有价值信息的人甚至不为管理团队所知。As Benioff read the Chatter posts, he realized that many of the people who had critical customer knowledge and were adding the most value were not even known to the management team.