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科学知识社会学真的是相对主义吗?。Is SSK a Kind of Relativism?

所以相对论是真的。Therefore relativism is true.

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结果是主观主义与相对主义。The result is subjectivism and relativism.

相对最大化的自我的绝对Relativism Maximizes the Absoluteness of Self

这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck.

我也会讲到,“宗教相对主义I'd like also to talk about religious relativism.

我也会讲到,“宗教相对主义“I'd like also to talk about religious relativism.

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但是欧洲人抵制屈服于道德相对论。But Europeans should resist a surrender to moral relativism.

因此,相对减少了上帝和他的绝对性。So relativism minimizes the absoluteness of God and his will.

相对不断减少或拒绝上帝的绝对性。Relativism constantly minimizes or denies the absoluteness of God.

爱因斯坦是一个著名的物理学家,爱因斯坦说相对论是真的。Einstein is a brilliant physicist. Einstein says relativism is true.

相对论允许这种差异,因为这些记录是由希罗多德。Relativism allows for such differences as those recorded by Herodotus.

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在那之后的诸多挑战中,最值得一提的就是,“文化相对主义“One of the biggest challenges to date has been related to cultural relativism.

虽然有些人持相反观点,但我觉得,文化相对主义这个问题并没有被解决。I don't think, some do, that the question of cultural relativism has been solved.

因为无法接受个中隐含之意,人们常常抗拒相对主义。People often resist relativism because they think it has unacceptable implications.

当然,道德相对论的讨论在多元宇宙的想法之前就已存在。Discussions of moral relativism came long before the idea of a multiverse, of course.

我在加拿大所处的省份,是以新纪元运动和相对主义出名的。The province where I live in Canada is marked by the New Age movement and relativism.

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第六部分介绍了非马克思主义和马克思主义寻求对道德相对主义困境的出路。The last Part introduces that the non-Marxist and Marxist seek transcendence of moral relativism.

大约我们的相对最悲惨的一天的事情之一是,它破坏了上帝的宽恕。One of the saddest things about the relativism of our day is that it undermines God's forgiveness.

相对主义、怀疑主义的严重泛滥,也使得现代西方哲学内部蕴涵着否定自身的危机。The overflow of relativism and skepticism contains a self-denial crisis in modern western philosophy.