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成为自己无情的文字编辑。Be your own ruthless copy editor.

但是没有人比古尔丹更冷酷无情。But none was as ruthless as Gul'dan.

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梁间燕子太无情。The swallows of girder too ruthless.

为何有些继母很冷酷?Why are some stepmothers so ruthless?

我会不折手段,变成一个心狠手辣的女人。I'll not fold means, bee a ruthless woman.

金吉奇既非冷酷无情,也非不负责任。Djindjic was neither ruthless nor irresponsible.

他吃东西的样子挺残忍,大声咀嚼食物。He ate in a ruthless manner , champing his food.

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我感觉到了这个人的近乎残酷无情的力量。I had felt the almost ruthless power of the man.

因此,绝没有人会批评他们不孝及无情。No one would criticize them ruthless or impious.

人非草木,孰能无情。Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

生活像一把耷榭痰?。Life, like a sculptors graver, cold and ruthless.

法西斯是人民最残酷无情的敌人。Fascists is the most ruthless enemy of the people.

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但是,内心深处却十分阴险毒辣。But in his heart he was very sinister and ruthless.

象一片枯叶,因冷酷的风而飘落黄土。Like a withered leave, fall with the ruthless wind.

在最近的几年中,穆加贝的残暴愈加变本加厉。In recent years, Mugabe has grown even more ruthless.

电锯党是晒骨场里最残忍的帮派。The Rippers are the most ruthless gang in the Boneyard.

无情野水青春在,不动南山白日闲。Ruthless wild youth in the water, fixed Nanshan day free.

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母狐貍就又咬又追,毫不留情。Bitch racoon dog is bitten again chase after again, ruthless.

他也批评这些驱逐暴力无情。He also criticised the evictions for being violent and ruthless.

散落的那一张张精致的大头贴,孤单也狠刺眼。Scattered fine that a picture ID, but also ruthless glare alone.