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太阳晒得人热辣辣的。The sun feels scorching.

今天像火烤一样热。It's scorching hot today.

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骄阳似火。The sun was scorching hot.

太阳晒得人热辣辣的。The sun feels scorching hot.

烈日当头,沙海无边。Scorching sun, endless sand sea.

朔雪度炎洲。Big snow degree scorching continent.

酷夏时天气非常闷热。In scorching summer it's very sultry.

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第3天的那一天,天气是灼热和阴沉的。The days were scorching and overcast.

炎夏的太阳烤炙着大地。The hot summer sun is scorching the earth.

窗外雪花纷飞,我心骄阳似火。Snow outside the window, my heart is scorching.

他们正在骄阳下打谷。They are threshing crops under the scorching sun.

滚滚热浪正席卷着东部海岸。A scorching heat wave is engulfing the East Coast.

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农民在赤日炎炎下忙着除草。Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun.

火辣辣的太阳下,她们浑身是汗。They're sweating all over under the scorching sun.

只是扯过衣衫为我遮住这烈日炎炎。Cheguo clothes for me just cover the scorching sun.

青岛哪的烤紫薯最好吃?。Which scorching purple yam has meal in Qingdao best?

我在大路灼热的尘土上消磨了一天。I spent my day on the scorching hot dust of the road.

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炎热的夏天让人们虚弱无力,情绪低落。The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.

拜烈日之赐,脱了好几层皮,也长出一脸雀斑。The scorching sun peeled her skin and freckled her face.

我向往飞翔,即便是烈日当空。I yearn for the soaring, even if is scorching sun overhead.