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异常可以被认为是一个特点。Abnormality can become a feature.

唯有一种人是异常的,即无法去爱的人。The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.

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我一直一直处于精神异常的状态下。I have always been in a state of mental abnormality.

只要没有异常的特别多或少就可以。But we could hear an abnormality in the sound of the valve.

这样的孩子将是遗传疾病的高发人群。Such children would be at high risk of genetic abnormality.

只要没有异常的特别多或少就可以。Long as there is no abnormality can be more or less special.

声导抗无明显异常。No abnormality were found in acoustic immittance audiometry.

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观察宫颈细胞学病变,用巴氏染色较好。Pap stain is better for Gyn-cytology to identfy abnormality.

分析财务报告,发现和确认不正常情况。Analise financial report to find out and confirm abnormality.

HRCT上的第一类异常改变是网状影。The first type of abnormality on HRCT is reticular opacities.

它们的死亡率和畸形率也很高。They also have high mortality and abnormality rates, he said.

监督工作质量并及时向工程师反馈异常。Moni tor work quality and feedback abnormality to WT engineer.

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多基因异常可能是膀胱肿瘤易复发的分子基础。Multigene abnormality is the molecular basis of bladder cancer.

她在智力或性情上都未显示出任何反常。She has shown no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition.

一年之中,又被破格晋升为太中大夫。During the year, and was promoted to the doctor's in abnormality.

地震以前,人们观察到了一些气候异常。Before the earthquake some abnormality in the weather was observed.

脑电图检查可发现中度或高度异常。Electroencephalograms examine shows moderate or severe abnormality.

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包皮过长是一种先天性的异常发育。The foreskin is too long is a congenital developmental abnormality.

许多疾病的发生与蛋白质糖链结构异常有关。Numerous diseases were known to relate with glycan structural abnormality.

染尘治疗组、空白组两组大鼠肺部无异常发现。There was no abnormality of lungs in both treatment group and blank group.