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使用粗线。Use thick lines.

浓密黑毛?Thick black hairs?

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这太不像话了。This is too thick.

她抹着厚厚的粉。She wore thick powder.

这种长,这么粗。This long, this thick.

这电线很粗。The wire is very thick.

汽泡纸的厚度是多少?How thick is bubble wrap?

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她搽着厚厚的脂粉。She paints herself thick.

厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。Thick walls deaden noise.

这张纸很厚。This paper is very thick.

这儿的冰有多厚?How thick is the ice here?

粥熬得太糨了。The porridge is too thick.

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粥熬得太糨了。The porridge is too thick.

雪下得正密。The snow is falling thick.

厚壁的采用锻件。The thick wall by forging.

多好的纸,这么厚实。What good paper, so thick.

厚厚酥饼如云层。And clouds of thick eclair.

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莫许杯深琥珀浓。Don't cup thick deep amber.

粥很稠。The porridge is very thick.

别把果酱涂得那么厚。Don't spread jam that thick.