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那么你最喜欢NM原声带里的哪首歌曲呢?What's your favorite song from the NM soundtrack?

山光水声,犹如一幅配乐的风景画。Shan Kwong water, the landscape is like a soundtrack.

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我希望你们会喜欢这张电影原声带以及我的演出!I hope you guys will like the soundtrack and my acting!

这部电影的配乐是由带脚键盘的管风琴和班卓琴奏出的轻快乐曲。The movie has a chirpy soundtrack of pedal organ and banjo.

电影原声带里你最喜欢哪首歌?What's one of your favorite songs on the film's soundtrack?

那些京剧演员哀伤的唱腔成了我们生活的配乐。The singers' plaintive squeals form the soundtrack of our lives.

年这些电视配乐以恩雅的名字命名作为独唱专辑发行。The soundtrack was released in 1986 as her eponymous solo album.

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电影原声,这将使你觉得斯莫基是追你!Original soundtrack that will make you think Smokey is chasing you!

原声英语,享受最精彩的服务和世界各地的航运。Soundtrack English, enjoy the best services and shipping worldwide.

这部电影随着故事的进行愈发黑暗,其原声带亦如此。This movie gets darker with every scene and so does the soundtrack.

和新海诚以前的作品一样,天门负责电影的音乐。As in Shinkai"s previous works, Tenmon composes for this film"s soundtrack.

没有扬声器电缆却没有从声道失去哪怕一个单一的音节。Lose the speaker cables without losing a single detail from the soundtrack.

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配合精彩的音乐,你一定会爱上这款游戏。With an awesome soundtrack synced to the game you'll quickly become addicted!

您可以享受一个完整的数字音乐原声带所有您最喜爱的艺术家。You can enjoy a full soundtrack of digital music from all your favorite artists.

度假村的网站上展示了上述地点的照片,并带有班卓琴的配乐。The resort's website shows images of all three, set to a lively banjo soundtrack.

虽然康伯巴奇现场演奏了小提琴,但剧中的配音是由蔡特演奏的。Although the actor played live on set, the playing heard on the soundtrack is by Chater.

原声带首走失留欧一轮首脑许多球员。The soundtrack of the first Runaway has stayed chugging round the heads of many players.

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但随着朱诺原声带的大获成功,看上去如今的孩子喜欢这些东西。But with the success of the Juno soundtrack it seems that kids these days love this stuff.

这部电影有动感的背景音乐以及各种人体残肢横飞的场面。The film has a kickin’ soundtrack and all kinds of limbs and body parts flying everywhere.

影片不仅优雅而且优美,其原声带的存在更是让这部电影至今都充满着活力。The movie was graceful and beautiful and the soundtrack has kept it alive all these years.