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“He”是指Kat的老爸,一个在硅谷工作的IT人,是Kat家的“breadwinner”,即是赚钱养家的人。He was breadwinner of the family.

他是他们家的顶梁柱。He was the breadwinner of his family.

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你是你家庭的支柱吗?其他人需要依赖你吗?Are you the breadwinner of your family? Are other people relying on you?

然而在获得捐款前,风是家里唯一的劳动力。However before the donations were comingin, Feng was the sole breadwinner.

18岁的我将要成为负担家计的男人。I was about to become the breadwinner for my family and I was 18 years old.

许多人回到家中不能养家糊口,数月以来负债累累。Many return to families crippled by debt from months without a breadwinner.

等你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。You will know how important money is when you became a breadwinner yourself.

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孟加拉国14岁的Sohel是家中的主要养家人。At the age of 14 Sohel from Bangladesh was the main breadwinner in his family.

轻轻地我走了,正如我悄悄地来,我挥一挥匕首,不留下一个活口。I take lightly, as I quietly, I play Yihui daggers, do not leave a breadwinner.

父亲们则担忧他们正在卸下一家之主的责任。Fathers worried that they were abrogating their responsibilities as breadwinner.

一贯有父亲养家活口,掌管钱财的日子也就结束了。There has always been the breadwinner father, in charge of the day is over money.

作为一家四口人中唯一养家糊口的人,他不能长期无所事事。As the sole breadwinner for his family of four, he could not remain idle for long.

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今年30岁的Sujith是家中主要的经济支助并赡养着他年迈的父母。At 30 years of age, Sujith, is the main breadwinner and supports his elderly parents.

她家主要靠她赚钱维持生计,她曾在斯里兰卡一家茶场挣一份微薄的工资。The main breadwinner in her family, she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka.

四分之三的人都认为,与其说自己的主要角色是一个父亲,不如说是养家糊口的那个人。Three quarters of those questioned said they saw themselves more as a breadwinner than they did as a father.

雅斯敏说她担心她的丈夫,唯一养家糊口的人,在娶了第二个妻子后会不再供给自己花费。Cassim said she feared that her husband, the sole breadwinner of the household, would stop spending on her after taking a second wife.

他不但要出去工作维持家庭的生活,而且他还得料理孩子们的饭食和衣服以及帮助他们做家庭作业。Not only is he the breadwinner of the family, he also takes care of the children's food and clothes and helps them with their homework.

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不过,到二十世纪五十年代,作为战后的产物,大部分美国家庭实际上可以倚靠单一经济来源养家。Not until the post-war gains of the 1950s, however, were a majority of American families able to actually afford living off a single breadwinner.

在他只有十几岁的时候他就从事电影这一行了,在他父亲去世之后,他成为家里的经济支柱,并继承父亲的遗志,成为了一名作曲家。He's worked on films since he was a teenager, taking over the role of family breadwinner after his father died and followed in his footsteps as a composer.

由约克郡建房合作社进行的调查显示,在男人被看做家庭主要的经济支柱的同时,女人则被期待成为持家好手。Men are expected to be the main breadwinner whilst women are being relied upon for domestic chores, according to research conducted by Yorkshire Building Society.