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接下来,你需要分析这个矩阵。Next, you need to analyse the metrics.

我的主要任务是分析人体排泄物。My main role was to analyse human excrement.

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分析了谐振腔的设计。And analyse the designment of syntonic cavity.

并对AAL2进行了分析研究。The analyse and research of AAL2 are provided.

分析一下我的肝功能和血脂情况?Analyse my liver function and hematic fat case?

把这个复合句分析成几个句子。Analyse a complex sentence into several clauses.

将这个复合句分析成许多从句。Analyse this complex sentence into many clauses.

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本文对这两个唱段也做了详尽的分析。Our article will thoroughly analyse the two arias.

本论文试对严复的经济思想加以阐述与分析。My thesis will analyse the economic ideas of YanFu.

这种高鲁棒性使得该方法能够用于多个刚体运动的分析。This method can be used to analyse multiple rigid motion.

首先,我们一起分析一些双基练习。And first, let me analyse our double-bases exercise-books.

他们需要做的只是从一个全新的角度分析这些数据。They just need to analyse those data from a new perspective.

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探讨声门型喉癌的CT诊断价值。To analyse the diagnostic value of CT for glottic carcinoma.

谁能帮我分析两对半检查结果?。Who can help me analyse two half-and-half to check a result?

笔者最后浅析浅析了章氏在近代思想史上的地位及启迪。Finally, I analyse the affect of Zhang in the modern history.

目的分析非典型脑膜瘤的影像学表现。Objective To analyse imaging features of atypical meningioma.

并用该滤波器对视错觉三角进行了分析。The filter has been used to test and analyse Kanizsa triangle.

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在最后一章中,将针对这几种常用的方法进行比较和分析。In the last chapter, we will compare and analyse these methods.

主要分析电容式传感器的设计思想。It mostly analyse the design thought of the capacitance sensor.

此外,笔者还分析了加喷冲洗水的作用机理。Morever, the authors analyse the mechanism of the washing water.