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这次火灾发生于1991年十二月二十三日的早晨。The fire broke out on the morning of Dec. 23, 1991.

哦,我在12月14号要去火奴鲁鲁参加马拉松。Oh, and I’m doing a marathon in Honolulu on Dec. 14!

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1925年12月3日,金大中生于一个农民家庭。Mr. Kim was born on Dec. 3, 1925 to a farming family.

DEC盐的唯一供应商来自牙买加。DEC salt comes from a single salt producer in Jamaica.

施瓦茨在2009年12月19日发表的文章中对此做出了详细的解释。Schwarz explained all this in his Dec. 19, 2009 piece.

该报告将于12月1日到期,哪些项目会被砍掉?The report is due by Dec. 1. What programs will be cut?

现在DEC盐里面还有碘和氟化物。And now DEC salt comes fortified with iodine and fluoride.

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到2005年春季,所有含DEC的盐都卖光了。By the spring of 2005, the country had run out of DEC salt.

法庭旁听将在12月5号的林恩郡青年法庭举行。A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 5 in Linn County juvenile court.

科学杂志禁止透漏细节直到美国东部时间12月2日下午2点前。Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2

公司于2005年底新建了一座新的挂车生产线。Since Dec 2005, C&Jindo started to build chassis at new facility.

12月2日美高梅公司获得批准,重组归在望远镜娱乐公司之下。MGM got approval Dec. 2 to reorganize under Spyglass Entertainment.

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为了治疗丝虫病,卫生工作者通常会使用DEC片剂。To combat filariasis, health workers usually prescribe DEC tablets.

大剂量DEC会导致副作用。Large doses of DEC can cause side effects in those who are infected.

圭亚那是唯一一个积极支持使用DEC的国家。Guyana is one of only a handful of countries that are using DEC salt.

顺便说一句,我想我们不应该在2012年12月21日前买房子。By the way, I think we should not buy any houses before Dec. 21, 2012.

1917年12月24日,第一次世界大战期间,瑞士骑兵在边境巡逻。During World War I Swiss cavalry patrolling the frontier Dec. 24 1917.

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然后,一个年轻的水果和蔬菜的供应商放火烧了自己12月17日。Then a young fruit-and-vegetable vendor set himself on fire on Dec. 17.

工人们自12月6号就开始从松花江里搬运冰块。Workers began hauling chunks of ice out of the Songhua River on Dec. 6.

问题甚至在加DEC盐上架之前就出现了。One of the first problems arose even before DEC salt was on the shelves.