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外壳为钢板焊成。The shell is welded by steel pate.

校门口贴了一个通知。A notice was put up at the school pate.

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我要用蓝绸带缠上他的头。I'll knot a blue ribbon all around his pate.

我去四川,听他们批评人笨,说是“方脑壳”,我想聪明人可能就叫“圆脑壳”。And therefore I think the smart people might be called "round pate".

七焰一头的汗,她何时答应过了!The perspiration of seven Yan a pate ofs, when did she once promise!

你做好了一张小饼之后把它放到平底锅里。You make it into a little pate like that and then put it in the pan.

这是我尝过的最好的鹅肝,是我最好的美食体验。I've tasted the best liver pâté of my life. My best culinary experience.

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孩子们口袋里装满了石子,并互相朝对方的头顶飞快地扔去。The boys filled their pockets with stones and pelted fast at one another's pate.

边说边将大块棉布盖到牡丹头上,替她擦头发。Says when covering the big piece cotton apt the peony pate up, erase hair as her.

然后摇了摇头拿着诊金大摇大摆的离开了。Then have already shaken to move pate to take to analyze leaving of gold swagger.

常宁抬头一看,正是裕亲王府的轿子。Often rather raising pate and looking is accurate the Jiao son of Yu prince mansion.

过会子她只要在你的肚子上用接触头碰下就成了。Lead conference son she at a time touch base with the adjoin pate on your belly chance.

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②颈部转移淋巴结根治性放疗后未控制或复发的患者。After pate shift lymph node radical cure radiotherapy, control or recrudescence patient.

回头姑娘给排个值,好轮着服侍老爷上早朝。The cornering pate miss is value for row, the good round wears serve main altitude early reign.

根粗壮,圆锥形,肉质,褐黄色,根颈部具多数须根。The root is sturdy, the cone, the pulp, the brown-yellow, the root pate has most must the root.

即由下肢向上盆延至腹、背、颈部而达延住者。Namely delays until the abdomen, the back, the pate by the lower limb upward trough to reach extends.

深红色的火腿、蒸鸭、肥鹅肚酱,各种罕见的应时和不应时的水果,满满地摆了一桌子。Hams in wine pressed duck pate de foie gras rare fruits in and out of season were spread in profusion.

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低镁会刺激颈部的甲状旁腺分泌,促使件筋中的钙质释放。The low magnesium can stimulate the pate the parathyroid secretion, urges in muscle's calcareous release.

可以和配有烧烤酱汁的红肉和白肉搭配饮用,亦可和鸭肉和猪肉酱一同饮用。Red and white meats seasoned with barbecue sauce, raviolis stuffed with ricotta and walnuts, duck or boar paté.

在越南,柬埔寨和老挝,最为常见的是诸如咖啡,面包,肉酱和糕点一类的法式餐点。I found that in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, French staples such as coffee, bread, pate and pastries are the norm.