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日语正变成一个混乱的大杂烩。Japanese is turning into a confused mishmash of languages.

我们的一些梦是杂乱无章的。Some of our dreams may be a haphazard mishmash of thoughts.

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其中的许多国家,包括罗马尼亚和比利时,是多元文化并存的国家。Many of them, including Romania and Belgium, are a cultural mishmash.

将行为心理学和行为矫正的一些概念混杂在一起,构成了这个计划的理论。It's a mishmash of concepts from Behavioral Psychology and Behavior Modification.

如上所述,此书几乎不含新内容,而且其章节编排也略有些混乱。As such it contains little new material, and its chapters are a bit of a mishmash.

没有什么比眼花缭乱的杂乱颜色和字体更显得业余了。Nothing screams "amateur!" louder than a dizzying mishmash of different fonts and colors.

又或者,为一些厨房电器订购新的门或面板,让它们成为统一系列,不会杂乱无章。Or, get a mishmash of appliances to match by ordering new doors or panels for some of them.

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其主要思想是减少视觉污染,并让他们在一个整洁条组成。The main idea is to reduce the visual mishmash of lights and get them composed into one neat strip.

理查德·丹尼斯希望招聘不同性格的人,就像真人电视节目一样。Richard Dennis wanted a mishmash of personalities, similar to MTV's Real World and their diverse casting calls.

拼凑而成的护甲也符合他的情况,因为他能找到那些护甲部件对他来说可能太大了。The mishmash armor would fit him as well, as he scrounged for pieces of equipment which was likely all too large for him.

不管是古代海上丝绸之路的枢纽,还是现代中国的对外商务中心,今天的广州是一个名副其实的美食大都会。Despite the transformation from Silk Road outpost to modern center of foreign commerce, the Guangzhou of today is a mishmash of culinary styles and flavors.

讨论了解决混杂体材料结构分析问题的一种新办法,为工程技术人员解决混杂体材料的结构分析问题提供参考。A new method of solving the problems of the structural analysis of the mishmash materials is discussed. It offers engineers a reference for solving the problems.

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将这些选项加在一起和快速行动的渴望,以及国会就业一揽子计划,很想起初的经济刺激计划,很有可能以一个难看的四不像而告终。Add together the range of options and the desire to act quickly, and Congress's jobs package, much like the original stimulus, will probably end up as an ugly mishmash.

上周末期,向新闻界公布这恶意误报的破玩意儿的明尼苏达天文学家现在想必在暗暗高兴。The astronomers from Minnesota, who planted this mishmash of malicious misinformation into the press late last week, must now be rubbing their hands together with glee.

不过家庭远比这要“松散”得多,它是“竞争需求”、情绪、冲突感情在一起的混合物。”局内人“总是要比”局外人“了解得更多。But families are a good deal sloppier than that, a mishmash of competing needs and moods and clashing emotions, better understood by the people in the thick of them than by anyone standing outside.