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从不乱猜疑他的晚归。He never indiscriminate suspicion of Wangui.

不加选择的随便送圣诞礼物。The indiscriminate giving of Christmas presents.

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我的弟弟不加选择地乱集邮票。My brother is indiscriminate in collecting stamps.

使…变陈腐因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐。To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.

对想象力的保护是不分好坏的。The protections for the imagination are indiscriminate.

还是一场蔓延在世界金融市场中的疯狂?Or is an indiscriminate maniac stalking the world's bourses ?

她不赞成儿子不加选择地收看电视。She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing.

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伍德不论选择朋友还是敌人都是随随便便,来者不拒。Wood is indiscriminate in his choice of friends as well as enemies.

他最大的本领似乎是对人胡吹乱捧。His great power seemed to be his power of indiscriminate admiration.

由于过快、过滥的发展才导致了这场危机。Due to the excessive, indiscriminate development, it caused the crisis.

问题在于,对这个词语的滥用已经混淆了它的本意。The problem is the indiscriminate use of the word has blurred its meaning.

我们憎恨恐怖分子对普通人不加区别的施暴行为。We all have the terrorists' indiscriminate violence against ordinary people.

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乱砍乱伐会破坏整个自然环境的生态平衡。Indiscriminate felling of trees will destroy the ecological balance of nature.

然而不分皂白的建设也许并不能缓解房屋短缺。Indiscriminate building may not be the answer to the housing shortage, however.

他说,集束弹联盟担心,利比亚会再使用这种对平民和作战人员不加区别地构成重大伤害的武器。He says the Coalition worries Libya will use these indiscriminate weapons again.

尤其是,无差别的攻击平民是一个严重的问题。In particular, indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a grave matter, " he said.

饥不择食的亚马逊角蛙能长到一个小盘子那么大。Indiscriminate eaters, Amazon horned frogs can grow to about the size of a small plate.

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也许是因为孟买主张财富、世俗的梦想和对外一视同仁的开放。Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness.

大量不分青红皂白的检查和事故不断提高卡车的保养成本。And numerous indiscriminate checks and accidents are pushing up truck maintenance costs.

二战中纳粹德国对伦敦的狂轰滥炸也未能将它摧毁。Even the Hitlers had not destroyed it by wantoning and indiscriminate bombing to London.