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可是他仍旧将信将疑。But he was still doubtful.

这是一场胜负难测的战争。This is a doubtful battle.

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他打着呵欠作了模棱两可的回答。He yawned a doubtful relay.

他体验了一阵不塌实的自豪感。He had a spasm of doubtful pride.

我很怀疑我们的计划。I'm rather doubtful aboout our plan.

他是否来尚不确定。It is doubtful whether he is coming.

他们是否将如期完成是值得怀疑的。It is doubtful that they will finish on time.

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我很怀疑我们是否会成功。I'm rather doubtful whether we. 1l succeed or not.

并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。and also he set down every sensible doubtful point.

这个杀虫作用是值得怀疑的。The insecticidal action must be considered doubtful.

你方16日来电消息不术可靠,且值得怀疑。Yr. 16 information cannot make sure but very doubtful.

一次性对所有62名被捕黑帮成员进行审判不大可能。A single trial of all 62 arrested mobsters is doubtful.

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旁观者清,这一点还有什么可疑的吗?Is it doubtful that the onlooker sees most of the game ?

但是他对该研究的用处表示怀疑。But he was doubtful about the usefulness of the research.

我敢肯定,今夜我将难以入睡,我还沉醉在这美妙的创举中。Doubtful to sleep tonight,the rush of it all is still in me.

一个来历不明的思想,也必是可以令人怀疑的思想。An idea of unknown origin, it is certainly doubtful thoughts.

从不同图片中看到的倒在人行横道上的柱子还有碎玻璃是另外一个疑点。The glass on the pavement of the pole is another doubtful point.

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试车将会成功是无疑的。想知道油压机压力。It is not doubtful that their the test run will be more successful.

他的声音太激动了,他感情的宁静太可疑了。His voice was too tremulous , the poise of his feelings too doubtful.

粘菌是否与真菌有密切的亲缘关系还没有确定。Whether the Myxomycota are closely related to the Eumycota is doubtful.