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这条路是英国人宣布革命”。It was the way Englishmen announced revolution.

只有狗和英国人才在中午的太阳底下在外面乱跑。But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

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我已经学从英国人那里到了清洁的法律。I have learnt the laws of cleanliness from the Englishmen.

当两个英国人相遇,他们谈论的头一件事就是天气。When two Englishmen meet,their first talk is of the weather.

现在,英国人很少穿大礼服了。大礼服已经过时多年了。Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago.

英国人常以烤面包加果酱结束早餐。Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade.

英国人常用烤面包加果酱结束早餐。Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade.

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英国男子曾被认为是世界上最有绅士风度的人。Englishmen were regarded as the most gentlemanly people in the world.

然后她微笑,在忽然之间你可明暸英国人喜欢皇后。Then she smiled, and suddenly you knew why all Englishmen loved the Queen.

客人非常多,有马贩子、赶牛人,还有二个英国人。Many guests were present horse dealers, cattle drivers, and two Englishmen.

很多英国人认为他太过老派,但我的意大利朋友们赞同我的看法。Lots of Englishmen think he's old-fashioned, but my Italian friends agree with me.

她的小狗跟在她身边,跑在纱裙下面,但那个英格兰人没有看到它。Her little dog walked deside her, under the veil, but the Englishmen didn’t see that.

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第一章主要分析1656年英国重新接纳犹太人的原因。Chapter one generally discusses the issues of the Readmission of Jews by Englishmen in 1656.

东部省份的确是例外,他们是纯英国人后裔。The eastern provinces must indeed be excepted, as being the unmixed descendants of Englishmen.

听说英国男人都很绅士,什么都是女士优先。I've heard that Englishmen are all very gentlemanly . They always give women preferential treatment.

无论是当赌博者、观众或运动员,大多数英国人都对至少某种体育活动有兴趣。But whether as gambler, spectator or player, most Englishmen have some interest in at least some sports.

他们所真正担心的是大量常备军,可能最终会危及到"生而自由"的英国人的权利There is this real fear that large standing armies could ultimately compromise the rights of freeborn Englishmen.

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为什么英国男人偏偏选择了让他们显得更肥、更矮或更幼稚的着装路线?Why? Why, at every opportunity, do Englishmen choose the route that makes them look fatter, shorter and more childish?

在晚会上,她从来没有遇到患弹震症的老兵塞普蒂默斯.史密斯,参加一战的第一个英国人。At her party she never meets the shell-shocked veteran Septimus Smith, one of the first Englishmen to enlist in the war.

不过,由于当时的英国人还并不知道俄罗斯的存在,所以那条——关于博洛“发现”了莫斯科的——引述曾经是有几分可信度的。But since at the time Englishmen didn’t know Russia was there some credit Borough with the QUOTE “discovery” of Moscovia.