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但它容易为故意捣乱所伤。But it is vulnerable to vandalism.

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但是其实这一切是因为他们缺少父爱,他们的心理特别脆弱。However, they are mentally vulnerable.

意味着您的站点是容易受攻击的。It means that your site is vulnerable.

非常健康的身体,但是在某种方式上显得又非常脆弱。Very buff, but also vulnerable somehow.

显然,天气也同样异变。Apparently, weather is similarly vulnerable.

如果路边有炸弹,这是最危险的位置。It's the most vulnerable to a roadside bomb.

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它绕在她的喉咙上,那是个脆弱的位置。It's around her throat, that vulnerable place.

老弱病残人群需要特殊照顾。Vulnerable groups may need special arrangements.

双方均易受错误信息影响。Both side are also vulnerable to mis-information.

她不安靖的意识致使她是如斯的亏弱虚弱。Her unstable mind was what made her so vulnerable.

接吻最易传染八种疾病!Eight most vulnerable to infection kissing disease!

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在山顶的坦克是特别脆弱的。Tanks cresting a ridge are particularly vulnerable.

它脆弱的地方是眼睛,腮和口鼻部。The vulnerable spots are the eyes, gills and snout.

是什么让我觉得如此脆弱和谨慎?What causes me to feel this vulnerable and guarded?

陈宇舟一直都很关注弱势群体。Chen has always shown concern for vulnerable groups.

政治家和媒体人员将成为牺牲品。Politicians and media bloviators will be vulnerable.

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热带低地的物种也很脆弱。Species in the tropical lowlands are vulnerable too.

当这位妇女易受攻击的时候,他占有了她。He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable.

所有维甲酸都使你额外容易地受到紫外线的伤害。All retinoids leave you extra vulnerable to UV damage.