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你能用媖文写文章吗?Can you jot in English?

带好纸笔做记录。Bring paper and a pencil to jot notes.

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你有没有把他的电话号码记下来?Did you jot down his telephone number?

并写下你对这些事情的想法。Jot down your thoughts about these events.

把自己读过的书记录在一个本子上,即使只是写下书名和作者,也会让你更久的保持对一本书的记忆。Jot down the books you finish in a notebook.

抄下心中浮现的前20个主意。Jot down the first twenty ideas that come to mind.

阅读,作笔记,记下想法,写总结。Read, take notes, jot down ideas, develop a thesis.

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等一下,先让我草记下来你的想象力太狂野。Wait, let me jot it down. Your imagination is running wild.

您能慢些讲让我将重点记录下来吗?。Would you please speak slowly so I can jot down main points?

如果突然灵光乍现,记下脑海中闪现的每个想法。If clarity strikes, jot down every idea that crosses your mind.

简单记下想法或念头,然后回去做你刚才做的事情。Jot down the thought or idea and go back to what you were doing.

记住你的积极肯定思想,或者记在一个卡片上,放在身边。Memorise your CATs or jot them on a sheet of card to keep at hand.

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只是快速记下关于任何你想要着手做的事情的几个关键词。Just jot down, in a few words, any tasks which you want to get done.

利用你的休息期刊或记下一些设想你下一篇文章。Use your break to journal or jot down a few ideas for your next post.

找到你要借的那本书或杂志的目录,记下它的索书号码。Find the particular item you're looking for. Jot down the call number.

告诉我你的号码,我把它记在我名片的背后就成。Just give me your number and I'll jot it down on the back of one of mine.

鼓励每个人都闻和尝这些葡萄酒并写下他们的感觉。Encourage everyone to smell and taste the wines and jot down their impressions.

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这场喧嚣的冒险可是一点也没受后来令人失望的续集所影响哦。A rollicking adventure that's not dampened one jot by the disappointing sequels.

用一个笔记本记下每次暂停时的情况,观察并推测原因。Keep a notepad handy and jot down cause and effect, observations, and hypotheses.

如果你难于表达情感,记下一些要点关键词或者写成信。If you find it hard to express emotions, jot down talking points, or write a letter.