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我不喜欢这样简单的一分为二。I don’t like that dichotomy.

所以大学和城市就像两个世界。So there's like a dichotomy between university and city.

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但即使是莱拉·阿里也承认,自己的性格具有鲜明的两面性。But even Laila Ali admits that she is a walking dichotomy.

这项调查揭示了我们所有人身上存在的二元现象。This survey highlights the dichotomy in all of us," Berman said.

其理论支点之一是“政治与行政二分法”。One of his theory fulcrums is Dichotomy of politics and administration.

应该清楚地理解以上原则的两重性。The duality or dichotomy of the above specifics should be clearly understood.

我的生活一分为二,一方面是害羞内向的我,另一方面我的工作又与名气相连。It’s a dichotomy to be a shy person and have fame go with the job that you do.

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这种二分法是不足为奇的,当你考虑到穆雷努的背景时。This kind of dichotomy isn't surprising when you consider Murenu's background.

那些对认知心理学比较熟悉的读者会发现这其实是个熟悉的两分法。For those of you familiar with cognitive psychology this will be a familiar dichotomy.

功利与审美、艺术家和普通人之间的界限被瓦解。The dichotomy between utilitarian and aesthetic, between artist and layman is broken down.

然而,欧洲龙的身体会更强壮,基于他们身体的二分法。However physically European dragons would be stronger simply based on their physical dichotomy.

政府本应该能从错误的二分法“放弃或救助”中间找到解决方法。The administration could have found a path between the false dichotomy of abandonment or bailout.

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同一性在社会心理学中的群体内-群体外两分法中也可以见到。Oneness can also be seen in terms of the classic in-group out-group dichotomy in social psychology.

要是夫妻两人是属于同一类的,这两种种对立的态度他们夫妻生活中便不成问题。Usually this dichotomy isn't an issue when two people find themselves at the same end the spectrum.

二分法部分或平衡自由意志地域是宽容一切甚至苛政。Part of the dichotomy or balancing in a free-will zone is the allowance of all things, even tyrannies.

回过头来看,也许这是一个错误的对立,而答案可能在明显的摆在两者间。Then again, perhaps this is a false dichotomy and the answer hangs precariously somewhere in the middle.

这象征着科威特社会现代主义和传统主义奇特的分裂。This is symbolic of a bizarre dichotomy within Kuwaiti society, between modernizers and traditionalists.

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对于这种月格分裂或所谓的“月球二分法”,科学家给出了多种解释。Scientists have proffered many explanations for this split personality, also known as the "lunar dichotomy".

昨天她解释了‘阳'的主动原则与‘阴'的被动原则之间的本质对立。Yesterday, she explained the dichotomy between the active principle of yang and the passive principle of yin.

使用二分法,得到了一个计算量最小且收敛性好的新的迭代算法。A new iteration algorithm is obtained by using dichotomy , with little calculated amount and good convergence.