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别担心,这是小事一桩。Don’t worry. It’s a cinch.

扣眼长流苏不在话下封闭。Grommet cinch closure with long tassels.

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不要屏住呼息,也不要把卷尺勒的太紧。Don't hold your breath or cinch the tape too tight.

小事一桩。星期五之前我可以把车修好。It's a cinch. I'll have the car repaired by Friday.

我是挣了钱,但这钱挣的太不容易了。I know I've made some money, but it was no cinch to get it.

腰带提倡极细款,束带为金属或者是蛇皮的材质。Belts are skinny and cinch in the waist featuring metal or snake.

如果你想赢,但又认为自己赢不了,那么可以肯定你必输无疑.。If you'd like to win , but you think you can't , it's almost a cinch you won't.

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如果你想嬴,但又认为自己赢不了,那么可以肯定你必输无疑。If you 'd like to win , but you think you can't , it's almost a cinch you won't.

小事一桩。我很快做完了试卷,而且知道我的答案都是正确的。It was a cinch. I finished it quickly and I know that all my answers are correct.

这一次出现的机会极为难得,他满以为十拿九稳哩。This time the opportunity presented what he fatuously termed to himself a "cinch."

飞利浦鼻毛、耳毛修剪器采用精确实用的微型修剪器,修剪起来安全、快速而简便。The NT9110 makes it a cinch to shave nose and ear hair. You can trim your eyebrows, too!

简单得很,一切都很顺利,只是我的胃象翻江倒海,我想要死。It was a cinch. Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wanted to die.

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用上面的线挂,底部的线系紧封好袋子直到你需要拿出一个袋子。Use the top strings to hang and the bottom to cinch the tube shut until you need to pull a bag out.

纽约人往往会把票投给民主党候选人,所以你也许会想,她在纽约州获得广泛支持并非难事。New York tends to vote Democratic, so you will perhaps assume that garnering this popularity was a cinch.

她高中瘦得太快了,结果她要用安全别针把长裙别在她腰上。She lost weight so rapidly in high school that she used safety pins to cinch her long skirts around her waist.

我的华尔街客户认为这只是将几个网页挂上去,所以按此付了点钱。My Wall Street clients thought it was a cinch to bang out a few pages of drivel, and therefore paid accordingly.

Myfamily在你下次访问时会自动记忆你的信息,因此用户通过同一台电脑定期登录是非常方便的。The site automatically remembers you when you return, so regularly accessing it from the same computer is a cinch.

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只要圆柱体的底层排列正确,包装紧密就是容易的事情了。As long as you had the right form at the bottom of your cylinder, getting the densest possible pack would be a cinch.

自然我不敢高攀,说我有写奏折的本领,可是眼前的通常公文是准保能写到好处的。I'm not bragging that I could write legal complaints, but ordinary official documents would have been a cinch for me.

买一件经典的A字型收腰大衣,可以将它穿在从套装到牛仔裤的任何衣服外面。Look for a classic A-line silhouette that will cinch you in at the waist and wear it over everything from suits to jeans.