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这些虚伪的官绅背地里做尽了坏事。This hypocritical bureaucrat has done many bad things secretly.

一个四至七岁的孩子所做的书面作业和任何一个官僚所做的一样多。A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat.

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官僚挑了一只羊,把它甩在肩上就往家里扛。Selecting one, the bureaucrat slung it over his shoulders to carry home.

一位官僚在徒步旅行,这时他看到一个牧羊人在看护一大群羊。A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock.

而是由高强,一个幽默感扭曲的猫头鹰一样的官僚代替。Instead the duty fell to Gao, an owlish bureaucrat with a wry sense of humor.

他对危地马拉前外交部长说,“我不想成为又一位联合国官僚。”He told a former Guatemalan Foreign Minister, “I don’t plan to be another U.N. bureaucrat.”

他对危地马拉前外交部长说,“我不想成为又一位联合国官僚。”N.He told a former Guatemalan Foreign Minister, “I don't plan to be another U.N. bureaucrat.

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官僚被留下关于使法律的申请成为必要的情况决定。The bureaucrat is left to decide as to the conditions that necessitate the law's application.

明万历中后期,以言官为首的官僚集团兴起了一股批判明神宗的风潮。In late Wanli reign, the bureaucrat group led by supervisors began criticizing Shenzong Emperor.

几小时后,当我们撤回到镇上一栋住所时,电视台的工作人员从一位官员那里得到回音。A few hours later, when we had retired to a rest house in town, our TV crew got a call from a bureaucrat.

毕竟,创新并非一个官僚能够突发奇想、凭空而造的东西。Innovation, after all, is not something that can be conjured out of thin air at the whim of a bureaucrat.

杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty.

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曾国藩是中国近代地主阶级儒家士大夫的典型代表人物。Zeng Guofan was a typical character of landlord class's Confucian scholar bureaucrat in Chinese modern history.

战国时代是一个从传统的宗法贵族社会向官僚社会作整体转型的大变革时代。The Warring Age is a fully transformed period as a whole from traditional clan patriciate to bureaucrat society.

但他之前主要作为中央银行中的政府官僚的职业生涯,真的够他担任这个位置么?But does his previous career, mostly as a government bureaucrat in the central bank, really equip him for the job?

她从一个激进的议员和总统候选人转变为一个被迅速边缘化的官僚。She has gone from fiery senator and presidential contender to increasingly marginalized run of the mill bureaucrat.

来听听如何透过土地公传达一些意象来调侃官僚文化。I do not mean to offend the Earth god, but I use its image as a metaphor to mock at the corrupting bureaucrat culture.

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过去的论著基于“反军阀官僚”的理论模式,多持笼统否定的意见,缺乏深入细致的探讨。The work of the past persists in general and negative opinions based on "anti-warlord and bureaucrat"theoretical model.

先秦时代的世禄制度与世官制度是相互依存的。The hereditary laurels system and the family bureaucrat system are interdependence with each other in the pre-qin period.

“如果我们不强调箭竹开花问题的严重性,我们就无法获得国际社会的捐款,”一位官员告诉他。"If we don't say bamboo flowering is a very serious problem, we can't get international donations, " a bureaucrat told him.