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三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。Three cobblers equal Zuge Liang, the mastermind.

经常和一些志趣相投的人聚聚。Get together often with like-minded people – see Mastermind.

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扎卡维被称作是伊拉克暴军中的“智多星”。Zarqawi was called the "mastermind" of the insurgency in Iraq.

在所有特种兵中,摄魂师是最多面手得。Out of all the commando's the Mastermind is the most versatile.

三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。Even three common cobblers can surpass Zhuge Liang the Mastermind.

如果微操得当,摄魂师可以造成客观得伤害。The Mastermind can do some amazing damage if Micromanaged properly.

策划人将使用六种不同颜色的圆点,并且可以重复使用颜色。Mastermind uses six different-colored pegs, and you may repeat colors.

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警察很快就要找到银行抢劫案的幕后操纵者了。The police are hot on the trailof the mastermind behind the bank robbery.

三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhugeliang, the mastermind.

三个臭皮匠,顶一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the mastermind.

6名被告包括涉嫌9/11袭击的主谋哈利德.穆罕默德。The six include Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the attacks.

占领建筑然后让摄魂师通过虫洞撤回来。Capture the building and Retreat back through the Wormhole with your Mastermind.

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经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。After interrogation, he confessed that he is the mastermind of the criminal gang.

美国的幽默大师和现实主义作家马克·土温,被认为是一个世界文学巨匠。Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature.

然后明德让人将剑雄和杨秀押了出来,质问他们谁是主谋。Then mingde to males and Yang Xiu stake out the sword, ask them who is the mastermind.

后来,一个名叫斯帕贾利的男子被警方抓获,他自称是这起抢劫案的主谋。Later, a man named Spa jali was arrested, he claimed to be the mastermind of the robbery.

裁判官表示,被告始至终都没有透露背后是否有人指使。Magistrate said the defendent had never disclosed who was the mastermind behind the move.

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特别的三钮扣设计。两位主脑为了创作呕心沥血、互相撕杀的场面出现了!Special button-up design in raglan. Abilities and Assiduous of Two mastermind are appear !

当时,所有人都被宣告无罪,调查者也无力揭穿这件谋杀背后的阴谋。All were acquitted and investigators have failed to identify the mastermind behind her murder.

如果奥斯马•本•拉登是恐怖网络的策划者,他已经在各地建立了许多活动猖撅的分支机构。If Osama bin Laden is the mastermind of a terrorist network, he has spawned vigorous offshoots.