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橄榄油,黑醋,黄瓜酸奶。Olive Oil , Balsamic Vinegar and Cucumber Raita.

上迈扑山谷地区固有的和谐醇香。Harmonious balsamic notes proper of Upper Maipo Valley.

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酸度,单宁和橡木之间达到完美的平衡。The finish is smooth and fresh with a hint of balsamic.

最后加入苹果酒及意大利黑醋拌匀煮香。Add apple wine in the pan and mix it with balsamic vinegar.

把青葱细末放入锅里,加入香草醋。Put the finely chopped shallots in a pan. Add the balsamic vinegar.

上菜时,番茄酱、香醋另附小碟盛上。When serving, tomato paste, balsamic vinegar attached on the Sheng small dishes.

陈酿的香醋至颜色黑暗,味道醇厚酸甜。Balsamic vinegar is aged until it becomes dark and mellow, with a sweet-sour flavor.

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更另人兴趣的是被特地安排尝试香醋和当地的干酪。Of particular interest will be a specially arranged tasting of balsamic vinegars and local cheeses.

做土豆沙拉的时候可以用酸奶和鲜莳萝取代蛋黄酱。Make a whole-grain pasta salad with cherry or grape tomatoes, fresh basil, and balsamic vinaigrette.

首当其冲那种呼之欲出的甜美夹杂着浓重的树脂辛辣气味是令人难以忘怀的。The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.

带野黑樱桃、樱桃的水果香味和香料、草药的香气。The aroma is fruity with hints of wild black cherry, cherry and a delicate balsamic and herbal finish.

最理想的搭配食物是烤牛肋骨肉眼排,烤牛肉,野味,烤黑醋猪肉及乳酪。An excellent match for pan-seared rib eye steak, roast beef, game, balsamic roast pork, mature cheeses.

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把已打起的鲜忌廉加入煮过的醋汁、柠檬汁、盐、胡椒粉及法国边豆,拌匀。Boil balsamic vinegar in few mintues. Mix it with lemon juice, salt, pepper, green bean and whipped cream.

将龙虾肉放于碗底,倒进冻汤,加少许黑醋作装饰即可。Place the lobster garnish in a bowl and pour on the soup. Decorate with little balsamic vinegar and serve.

我那5岁大的儿子是个美食家,但他现在喜欢用香料调味的莴苣,这是过渡到素食的重要一步。My 5- year-old son -- a very picky eater!-- now loves romaine lettuce with balsamic dressing, a major step.

广藿香的气味结构很有意思,甜味草本气息覆盖在树脂调木质气味托起的浓郁酒醺核心之上。It has an interesting structure, comprised of sweet herbaceous top notes, rich winey heart and balsamic woodsy base.

一排油和醋可在容器的产品,免除了一个独特的抽水行动。A line of oils and balsamic vinegar is available in containers that dispense the product with a unique pumping action.

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新鲜菠菜色拉配西班牙火腿,松仁,黑橄榄,小番茄,黑菌酱和黑醋。Fresh Spinach Saladserved with Spanish Ham, Pine Kernel, Black Olive, Cherry Tomato, Truffle Pate and Balsamic Vinegar.

酒宜冷却搭配熟蟹或佐以及苹果、柳橙切片,淋上红酒醋酱汁的新鲜青菜。Serve slightly chilled with boiled crab or fresh greens with apple and orange slices, topped with balsamic vinaigrette.

然后配上芝麻菜沙拉和樱桃西红柿,然后加上香脂在小瓷碗里端上来。Then it's served with a salad of rocket and cherry tomatoes that's drizzled with balsamic in an individual porcelain bowl.