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这种苛捐杂税被查理一世加以恢复。The exaction was revived by Richard I.

作为年迈的领导人,冷酷无情制度的苛求使他心力交瘁。The aged leader was exhausted by the exaction of a pitiless system.

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概念格是近年来获得飞速发展的数据分析的有力工具。Concept lattice is recently fast developed as a tool for data analysis and rule exaction.

根系吸水的定量模拟是土-根系统水分动力学研究的难点之一。The quantitative modeling of root water exaction is difficult in research on soil-root hydraulic dynamics.

选择了合适的分析条件,方法的精密度和准确度符合国标要求,完全可以满足实际生产的要求。Appropriate analyse conditions are chosen, precise and exaction of method accord with GB and it meets the requirment of production.

目的探讨表面麻醉下小切口白内障非超声乳化手术的安全性和有效性。Objective To evaluate security and efficacy of topical anesthesia in small incision non-phacoemulisification cataract exaction ad IOL implantation.

以小湾拱坝为例,对不同自重施加方式及初次蓄水条件下大坝的应力进行了三维数值仿真分析。The 3D digital simulation of the stresses of Xiaowan arch dam under different self-weight exaction ways and initial impoundment process has been done.

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使系统与传统的探测系统相比,具有成本低、早期发现、在恶劣工作环境下工作稳定性高、准确度高等优点。In fact , compared with classic ones , the system with high reliability and exaction are more cheap when earlier finding fire in the badly working condition.

在数据仓库的实现中主要研究了异种数据源中数据的抽取、转换和载入的方法和策略。During the period of building the data warehouse, we mainly researches the method of the exaction , transform and load of the data in different kind of data resources.

现有根系吸水模拟模型往往是在特定条件下建立的,缺乏对根系吸水机制的了解,因而其应用受到限制。Present models were constructed under certain ideal conditions and based on poor understandings of the mechanisms of root water exaction and thus their applications were rather limited.

勤劳、自我要求高原本是美德,但一旦要求到了枯槁极苦、十全十美的程度,就成了苛求,既不能得到修身养性的益处,心情也不会愉快。Diligence and high self-esteem are meant to be virtues, but it will become exaction to demand every thing be perfect. it will neither help to cultivate one’s mind, nor will it make one happy.

第四章提出了一种用混沌发送信号进行系统重构并进行一步预测的混沌模拟保密通信系统的解密方法。In chapter 4, we proposed a message exaction method which basing on the system reconstruction and one-step predictions to exact the message from simulative chaotic secure communication systems.

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文章综述了近些年来黄酮类化合物在结构特征、功能研究以及提取方法等方面的研究进展,并对未来研究方向进行了讨论和展望。The advance of flavonoids in structure characteristics, methods of separation and exaction in recent years were summarized in this paper, and the future study trends was discussed and developed.