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未经苦难,得不到荣冠。No cross, no crown.

她拒不接受王位。She refused the crown.

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把我的王冠和一切全都拿来。Bring our crown and all.

他荣获1973年冠军称号。He won the crown in1973.

这就是英帝国王冠。The Imperial State Crown.

这就是皇太子。This is the Crown Prince.

王后王后戴王冠。Queen queen wears a crown.

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她于一九九○年获得“冠军”称号。She won the crown in 1990.

住口,要不我就砸烂你的脑袋。Shut up or I'll crown you.

再一次你的荣冠被确定。Once more thy crown is set.

国王正戴着一顶皇冠。The king is wearing a crown.

得赐冠冕和义袍。And provide a robe and crown.

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那你是真的喜欢罗素·克劳。You really like Russel Crown.

安静是生命的皇冠。Quietude is the crown of life.

皇冠是国王的象征。The crown is richly bejeweled.

平静是生命的皇冠。quietude is the crown of life.

转动表冠设置时间。Turn the crown to set the time.

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来自凯撒桂冠上。Came from Caesar's laurel crown.

冠雄倡否与她相认?Crown male call Joseph with her?

我给你装一个塑料牙套好吗?Shall I fix you a plastic crown?