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我为什么要恭顺守礼呢?Why should I venerate and be ceremonious?

她对客人的款待过于拘礼了。Her attentions to the guests were too ceremonious.

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他们隆重的欢迎看起来并不衷心。Their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt.

从家庭到家族,都尽量把这些活动搞得隆重而热闹。They try to make these activities ceremonious and lively.

我的密友和家人不需要跟我客套寒暄。My close friends and family needed no ceremonious preliminaries.

他扣上上衣的扣子,彬彬有礼地走上一步。He buttoned up his jacket and moved forward with ceremonious deference.

苏珊庄严地、十分讲究礼节地在一张椅子中的一个极小的角落里坐下。Susan took the extreme corner of a chair, with a stately and ceremonious aspect.

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大人们客套地喝著茶,孩子们模仿著他们。The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner, and the children imitated them.

每个家庭的团圆饭都是一年中精心准备的最华丽和隆重的家宴。Every family will make the dinner the most sumptuous and ceremonious one in the year.

吃饭时间,是一宗属于礼节的事,家中人人都须参加。Mealtimes are ceremonious affairs which must be attended by every member of the family.

老头儿抬起头来,放下报纸,从卵石堆上站起身来,彬彬有礼地一鞠躬。The old man looked up, and, dropping his newspaper, rose from the pebbles with a ceremonious bow.

这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。This tradition, spreading more and more widen, which became the most ceremonious traditional festival in China.

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其灵榇抵达上海后,上海社会各界为之举行了隆重的祭奠活动。When their bodies arrived in Shanghai, all walks of life in Shanghai held ceremonious funeral service for them.

表示恭敬的礼节性动作或深深地鞠躬,尤其是深鞠躬同时置右掌于额上。A ceremonious act of deference or obeisance, especially a low bow performed while placing the right palm on the forehead.

中国传统丧葬礼仪在全世界丧葬礼仪中最为繁缛,最为隆重,也最有特色。Chinese traditional funeral proprieties is of most overelaborated , most ceremonious and most characterized in the world.

这些目标描述,对于熟稔中国法律用字的人而言,其实只是稀松平常、名不符实的文字。For those used to look through the boasting and overly ceremonious texts of Chinese laws, there seems to be nothing to be excited about.

纯净的白色婚纱仍是中国新娘的梦想,超长的头纱让气氛显得更为隆重。White wedding dress is still the best choice for Chinese bride. This traditional features a long veil and back for a more ceremonious effect.

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春节是我们中华民族最隆重的传统节日,是所有的节日中最有节日氛围的一个节日。The Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival, we the Chinese nation is the most festive atmosphere all holidays a festival.

他以最隆重的盛宴接待它,并且命令宫中乐团,以最悦耳动听的音乐,演奏给它听,每顿饭也以宫中最好的伙食,供应它吃食。The Duke gave it the most ceremonious feast of welcome. He ordered his Royal band to play the best music for it and provide best food to feed it.

由中国2010年上海世博会组委会主办的“走进世博会展览”在北京首都博物馆隆重开幕。An exhibition called "walking into World Expo" held by China 2010 Shanghai World Expo committee saw its ceremonious opening in Beijing Capital Museum.